Person who paid their group's restaurant bill calls out 'friend' who hasn't paid them back the £192 they're owed.

Don't borrow if you can't afford it.

September 11th 2023.

Person who paid their group's restaurant bill calls out 'friend' who hasn't paid them back the £192 they're owed.
When it comes to money, everyone has their own opinion about the best way to handle it. This is especially true when it comes to splitting the bill at dinner. Recently, TikToker Bria Jones went viral after she shared her bill drama with her followers.

Bria had gone out to dinner with friends and offered to put the bill on her credit card, but six weeks later, one of the acquaintances still hadn't paid her back for her share of the meal. Bria said she was used to doing this kind of thing with her own friends, who would always pay her back after. This time it was a friend of a friend who she didn't really know, and she assumed they would transfer their share of the bill.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Bria messaged the person on Instagram a couple of times with no response, and even texted her. She claimed that the girl replied saying she would transfer the money that evening, but still, three weeks later, Bria hadn't been paid.

Bria's video has hit nearly one million views, and most people agreed that she was entitled to the money back. Some even suggested small claims court as an option. However, there were some people who felt that Bria shouldn't expect the money back, since she had offered to pay the bill in the first place.

Psychologist Ali Ross previously told The Agency that the best way to handle splitting the bill is to be upfront beforehand, and decide how everyone is going to pay before anyone orders food. This way, everybody is on the same page and can avoid awkward situations like this one.

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