People reveal lesser-known dating dealbreakers, including going on vacations to Ibiza and having pets.

Disliking cats is concerning.

December 30th 2024.

People reveal lesser-known dating dealbreakers, including going on vacations to Ibiza and having pets.
When it comes to finding the perfect partner, we all have certain deal breakers that we just can't overlook. They may not necessarily be red flags, but they're quirks, habits, or lifestyle choices that just don't sit well with us for various reasons. Some of these deal breakers revolve around serious topics, such as wanting children or marriage, while others may seem insignificant or superficial. But regardless, they indicate a lack of compatibility and could ultimately lead to a first date being the last.

In a recent viral thread, which received 2.1 million views, hundreds of people shared their unique deal breakers that would instantly end any potential relationship. And chances are, at least one of them will hit home for you.

Pets are a common deal breaker, much to the dismay of animal lovers. User @nazbetweeting caused quite a stir when she shared her controversial stance on dogs, stating that she simply can't be in a relationship with someone who owns one. She explained that it would completely disrupt her lifestyle, as it would be difficult to go on trips or spend long periods of time out without having to worry about the dog. While some may argue that a furry companion adds to the relationship, for others, it's a definite deal breaker.

But it's not just dogs that are on the chopping block. Some people are allergic to cats and dogs, making it impossible for them to date someone who owns one. Others simply don't like the idea of owning a pet, whether it's a dog, cat, hamster, or rabbit. On the other hand, some see having a pet as a positive quality, as it shows the person's ability to care for another living being. User @MissKiraJade pointed out that if someone can't make room in their life for a pet, how will they make room for another human with their own needs, wants, and goals?

Another deal breaker that many people can't overlook is how someone was raised. While everyone's upbringing is different, there are some fundamental values that many of us hold dear. For some, it's a partner's overbearing parents that are a major turn off. User @caityfh shared that she doesn't want her significant other's mother's opinion on her life choices, as she believes that her own mother doesn't have that right either. Similarly, @grace_mac can't stand when someone's parents continue to make decisions and guilt them into things, even as adults.

And then there are the everyday habits and lifestyle choices that can make or break a potential relationship. For some, it's a partner's cleaning habits (or lack thereof) that are a deal breaker. User @IliMIli can't stand a consistently dirty bathroom or kitchen, while @chanceposts can't overlook a lack of respect or compassion for others, especially service workers. Others have more specific deal breakers, such as not wanting to live in a major city, being obsessed with going to certain vacation spots, or being too outdoorsy. And for some, it's a difference in vices, such as smoking weed, that can create an unsustainable mismatch of vibes.

So, what are your deal breakers? Did any of them make the list? We'd love to hear your stories and experiences. Just send us an email and let's start a conversation! And don't forget to sign up for The Hook-Up, our weekly newsletter filled with juicy sex and dating stories. See you in your inbox!

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