People on social media give their thoughts on Sexyy Red's controversial MAGA performance at Roots Picnic.

One person on social media criticized the narrative's impact on the Black community, while another doubted the rapper's political advice.

June 7th 2024.

People on social media give their thoughts on Sexyy Red's controversial MAGA performance at Roots Picnic.
The music industry is always full of drama and controversy, and rapper Sexyy Red is no stranger to it. She recently made waves both on and off stage when she performed at a festival wearing a giant "Make America Sexyy Again" hat. The St. Louis native made her debut at the Roots Festival in Philadelphia, rocking the infamous "Make America Great Again" hat that is often associated with Donald Trump and his supporters. While some fans were entertained by her bold fashion statement, others were quick to question her political stance and whether she supports Trump or not.

After a video of her performance surfaced on Instagram, fans flooded the comments section with their opinions. Some felt that Sexyy was not making intelligent decisions by wearing the controversial hat, and that she did not accurately represent the girls in the hood. One social media user even called her out for being a bad influence on the Black community, stating that Trump does not care about them. On the other hand, some fans saw it as just a publicity stunt and didn't think it was a big deal. One fan even joked that for Sexyy, MAGA stood for "Make America Ghetto Again."

This is not the first time Sexyy has faced backlash for her political views. In 2023, she appeared on a podcast where she claimed that Black people started supporting Trump after he pardoned some Black individuals from jail and gave out stimulus checks. She stated that people in the hood love Trump because he is not racist and supports women. However, political commentator Angela Rye was quick to set the record straight, saying that Black people are misinformed about Trump's true intentions and actions.

But despite all the controversy and criticism, Sexyy continues to stand by her choices. She wore the same hat at the Dreamville Festival in 2024, which sparked a similar backlash. Some even questioned if her marketing strategy was a subtle endorsement of Trump in the upcoming election. However, the mother of two defended herself and made it clear that she was not endorsing anyone and was running as her own candidate for president.

The rapper's bold fashion choices and controversial statements may continue to attract attention and spark debate, but one thing is for sure - she is not afraid to speak her mind and make a statement. Whether you agree with her or not, Sexyy Red is definitely a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

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