Paul is deeply affected by a significant event on Coronation Street as his impending death becomes more real.

A delightful unexpected event.

September 1st 2024.

Paul is deeply affected by a significant event on Coronation Street as his impending death becomes more real.
As the new school year approaches in Coronation Street, Paul Foreman can't help but feel a sense of sadness as he thinks about all the things he will miss out on when he's no longer here. You see, Paul has been battling motor neurone disease for the past year and it has slowly been taking over his life.

In a recent appointment, Paul received the devastating news that he can no longer use the stair lift due to his weakening bones. This means that until he and his partner Billy can find a new flat without stairs, Paul is confined to the four walls of his home.

But before this happened, Billy wanted to give Paul one last special day out. He told Paul they could do whatever he wanted, which brought a smile to Paul's face. They visited the church where they got married and then made their way to the Rovers for a drink with their friends.

Paul was grateful to have Billy by his side to translate for him when he struggled to speak, but it became apparent that Billy couldn't understand everything he was saying. They also paid a visit to the Winter/Brown household and saw Summer, who was getting ready for a night out.

Despite being stuck at home, Paul's spirits are lifted when Gemma arrives with their son Joseph and the quads, who are getting ready for their first day at school. It's a joyous moment for the whole family.

Meanwhile, Billy captures the special occasion by taking some photos of everyone together. It's a bittersweet moment for Paul, knowing that he won't be there to see his nieces and nephews grow up.

In the following week, Paul takes the time to record a manifesto of all the things he wants Billy to do after he's gone. However, his synthesiser runs out of power just as he's about to play it for Billy and Summer. Thankfully, Summer takes charge and sends Billy out for some fresh air while she figures things out.

With Billy gone, it's just Paul and Summer. Can she help him with his final wish?

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