Patient passed away after being forced to wait 2 and a half hours for medical assistance.

8 deaths in QLD linked to long wait times for emergency care-- alarming crisis revealed by new documents.

March 22nd 2023.

Patient passed away after being forced to wait 2 and a half hours for medical assistance.
Startling fresh documents have revealed the real magnitude of the increasing ramping crisis in Queensland, with a minimum of eight fatalities being investigated by the state's ambulance service.

Exclusive records acquired by 9News revealed that out of the eight deaths under examination, one of them involves a person who passed away after waiting for paramedics to come for more than two and a half hours.

The eight fatalities all happened in the course of a year in different parts of the province, seven of which were connected with ambulance lags.

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Opposition Leader David Crisafulli stated that the whole thing reflected a huge 'failure'.

"When you bring it all together and you join the dots, you will see a portrait of failing health services," he said.

The first of the eight episodes occurred in Cairns two years ago.

Two emergency calls for help were made but there was no ambulance until 31 minutes after the initial call, and the patient was quickly declared dead.

At the time, six ambulances were ramped, waiting outside the hospital.

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Then in Toowoomba in November 2021, a person died due to ambulance delays.

In Townsville, on January 8, 2022, two emergency calls were made more than an hour apart.

An ambulance was assigned but then diverted, with the crew failing to show up until more than 2½ hours after the first call.

The patient was declared dead at the scene.

At the time, seven ambulances were stuck on the ramp.

Startling new documents have exposed the real magnitude of Queensland's mounting ramping crisis, with at least eight deaths currently being examined by the state's ambulance service.

Unique records attained by 9News demonstrate that of the eight fatalities under investigation, one involves a person who passed away after waiting more than two and a half hours for paramedics to arrive.

The eight deaths took place within a year in various parts of the state, with seven of them having some connection to ambulance delays.

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Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said the state of affairs constituted a major "failure".

"When you join the dots and knit together this pattern, you can perceive a picture of a health service that is not performing," he commented.The cases

The first of the eight cases happened in Cairns two years ago.

Two calls for help were made to triple zero, however, paramedics did not get there until 31 minutes after the first call, and the patient was quickly declared dead.

At the time, six ambulances were on the ramp outside the hospital.

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In Toowoomba in November 2021, a patient died following ambulance delays.

In Townsville, on 8 January 2022, two triple zero calls were placed more than an hour apart.

An ambulance was designated but then rerouted, with the crew not showing up until more than 2½ hours after the initial call.

The patient was pronounced dead at the scene.

At the time, seven ambulances were ramped up.

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