Paris Hilton speaks about her experience with abuse while testifying before the US House.

Paris Hilton speaks out about past abuse and advocates for better protection for children.

June 27th 2024.

Paris Hilton speaks about her experience with abuse while testifying before the US House.
Paris Hilton, a well-known actor, singer, DJ, and model, has recently opened up about her past experiences with abuse. As a strong advocate for the protection of children from institutional abuse, she has been actively working towards bringing about changes in legislation. During her testimony at a House committee hearing on Wednesday, Hilton declared that she would be the voice for the voiceless children and would not give up until the youth of America is safe.

Her appearance before the House Ways and Means Committee focused on the reauthorization of Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, which provides resources to states to promote child welfare. Hilton emphasized the importance of providing families with the necessary resources and support to prevent them from entering the child welfare system in the first place.

The issue of child welfare is personal to Hilton, as she has previously shared her own experiences of physical and emotional abuse at a boarding school for troubled teens in her documentary "This is Paris" and her memoir "Paris: The Memoir." She continues to suffer from PTSD as a result of her time at the institution. In her testimony, she shared how at the young age of 16, she was forcibly taken from her bed in the middle of the night and sent to a series of abusive residential treatment facilities.

Hilton also shed light on the fact that children placed by the state may not have regular check-ins, making their situation even more vulnerable. As a mother herself, Hilton expressed how these stories of abuse break her heart. She has been actively advocating for child safety and even visited Washington DC in 2022 to discuss the protection of institutionalized youth with White House policy staff and other survivors.

In a 2022 interview with CNN's Brianna Keilar, Hilton shared the lasting impact of her experiences and how she is fighting for change so that no child ever has to suffer in the name of treatment. As she continues to push for legislation that will better protect children, she wants to remind everyone that support is available for survivors through organizations like the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT.

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