Overview of healthcare policies of major UK political parties: Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dem, Reform, and Green.

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July 2nd 2024.

Overview of healthcare policies of major UK political parties: Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dem, Reform, and Green.
As the 2024 General Election approaches, healthcare is at the forefront of the minds of millions of voters across the UK. The past few years have been challenging for the health sector, with a rise in NHS waiting lists, longer A&E waiting times, and healthcare workers going on strike for better pay. It's no surprise that healthcare is a key issue for Britain's political parties to address in this election.

To keep up with all the latest news and updates on the campaign, check out our live blog. And let's delve into what each party is promising in their healthcare policies, should they come into power after the vote on July 4.


Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party has pledged to recruit a total of 120,000 nurses and doctors in the UK. They have also promised to increase NHS spending above the rate of inflation every year, in an effort to tackle the ongoing issues within the healthcare system. Their manifesto states that they are committed to accelerating the NHS's recovery from the pandemic and improving waiting times for primary, elective, cancer, and emergency care.

In addition, the Conservatives plan to focus on recruiting 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 more doctors, building 40 new hospitals, and modernizing 250 GP surgeries. They also aim to invest in new facilities and provide training for staff in rural and coastal areas. The party is determined to transform the NHS for both patients and staff, with a £3.4 billion investment in new technology. This includes making the NHS the "single front door for NHS services."

Mental health support is also a priority for the Conservatives. They plan to double the amount of help available within schools and colleges by 2030 and increase the availability of talking therapy by 50% for those struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression. Women's health will also be prioritized, with a national strategy for maternal care and additional funding for maternal safety and mental health services for new mothers.

Labour Party:

Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party are focused on reducing NHS waiting times and improving mental health support. Their manifesto states that they must rebuild the country and lists five national missions, one of which is ensuring that the NHS is at the forefront of healthcare.

To reduce waiting times, Labour plans to provide 40,000 more appointments each week during evenings and weekends. They also promise that patients will not have to wait longer than 18 weeks to see a specialist after being referred. Like the Conservatives, Labour also plans to improve technology and transform the NHS by introducing new scanners and computers, using AI, and revamping the NHS app to give patients more control over their health.

In addition, Labour plans to train thousands of GPs to ensure that patients can have face-to-face appointments and eliminate the "8am scramble."

Liberal Democrats, Green Party, and Reform UK:

The Liberal Democrats have promised to invest an extra £35 billion in the NHS and social care, with an emphasis on mental health support. The Green Party plans to provide free social care for all, increase NHS funding, and prioritize preventative healthcare. Reform UK aims to reduce NHS waiting times, improve mental health support, and increase the number of hospital beds.

In conclusion, healthcare is a major issue for all parties in the 2024 General Election. Each party has its own plans and promises for improving the NHS and providing better healthcare for the people of the UK. Stay updated on the latest news and developments through our weekly newsletter, WhatsApp channel, and TikTok. And remember to exercise your right to vote on July 4!
The United Kingdom is gearing up for its upcoming 2024 General Election, and one of the key issues on the minds of millions of voters is healthcare. The health sector has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including growing NHS waiting lists, longer A&E wait times, and healthcare workers protesting for better pay. As such, healthcare policies will be a top priority for Britain's political parties.

For those following the latest developments in the General Election, our live blog is the go-to source for updates. In this breakdown, we will delve into the healthcare policies proposed by each party, should they come into power after the July 4th vote. Let's take a closer look at what each party has promised in their manifesto.

Conservatives: Current Chancellor Rishi Sunak's party has pledged to recruit a total of 120,000 nurses and doctors in the UK. Additionally, they have promised to increase NHS spending above the rate of inflation every year in an effort to address ongoing issues. The party's manifesto outlines plans to put 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 doctors on the frontline, as well as to build 40 new hospitals and modernize 250 GP surgeries. The Conservatives also plan to invest in new technology and increase mental health support, with a focus on doubling the amount of help available in schools and colleges by 2030.

Labour Party: Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party have placed a strong emphasis on cutting NHS waiting times and improving mental health support. In their manifesto, they state that "we must rebuild our country" and have set five national missions, one of which is to ensure that the NHS is at the forefront of healthcare once again. To achieve this, Labour plans to provide 40,000 more appointments each week, with a goal of no patient waiting longer than 18 weeks to see a specialist. They also plan to invest in technology and improve the NHS app to give patients more control over their health.

Liberal Democrats: The Liberal Democrats have pledged to prioritize mental health and invest in more staff and resources. They plan to hire 5,000 more mental health professionals and invest in training for an additional 1,500 therapists. Additionally, the party has promised to increase funding for maternal care and improve access to mental health services for new mothers.

Green Party: The Green Party has proposed a national health service that focuses on prevention rather than treatment. They plan to invest in public health and promote healthy living through education and environmental policies. The party also aims to increase funding for mental health services and provide better support for NHS workers.

Reform UK: The Reform UK party has a different approach to healthcare, advocating for a privatized system. They believe that competition will improve the quality of care and reduce waiting times. The party also plans to reduce the government's role in healthcare and give more control to patients.

As the 2024 General Election approaches, it is essential to stay informed on each party's healthcare policies. Whether it's through our weekly newsletter, WhatsApp channel, or TikTok, we will continue to provide analysis, news, and views to help you understand the policies that matter to you.

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