I wed an older woman, her breasts are drooping and I want to leave.

It's as if I'm sharing a bed with my aunt.

May 11th 2024.

I wed an older woman, her breasts are drooping and I want to leave.
It's a difficult situation to be in when the novelty of a relationship wears off. As humans, we all have to face the inevitability of gravity and its effects on our bodies. However, when it comes to relationships with a significant age gap, one person may experience the physical signs of aging before the other. This is something that a reader is currently struggling with, as he finds himself falling out of love with his much older wife.

The man, who is in his twenties, admits that he was once deeply in love with his wife when they got married. At the time, he was desperate to leave home and escape his difficult relationship with his parents. Moving into a nicely furnished house, having a car at his disposal, and having his meals cooked and laundry done for him seemed like a dream come true. Plus, his wife was quite attractive for her age when they first met.

However, as time has passed, the novelty of their relationship has worn off and the age gap has started to become an issue. He has noticed that his wife's body is showing signs of aging, with sagging breasts and wrinkled neck. He even bought her roll necks to cover up these changes and feels like her makeup is too heavy. His friends also make fun of their relationship, which only adds to the strain. He admits that his friends warned him about the age difference, and they were right. He dreads the thought of what their relationship will be like in a few years when she is in her fifties and he is not even 30.

Recently, he has even started to dread going to bed with his wife, as it feels uncomfortable and strange. He compares it to sleeping with his aunt. He knows that her ex-husband left her for a younger woman, and he gets the feeling that she only married him as a rebound. He wants to find someone his own age, but he doesn't know how to leave his wife without hurting her.

The advice given is to be honest with his wife and take responsibility for his own actions. It's clear that he went into this marriage looking for someone to take care of him, but in a relationship with someone his own age, he would be expected to act like an adult and take care of himself as well. It's important for him to apologize to his wife and acknowledge that the marriage is not working because of his own behavior, not hers. She deserves to find someone who will treat her with love and respect, and he needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions. The columnist encourages him to seek counseling to address any underlying issues that may be contributing to his behavior. She also offers support and advice to anyone struggling with a sex and dating dilemma.

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