Over 250 Olive Ridley hatchlings were set free at Dagara beach.

253 baby Olive Ridley turtles were released into the sea at Dagara, Baliapal, a popular nesting spot for the species.

May 14th 2024.

Over 250 Olive Ridley hatchlings were set free at Dagara beach.
Early on Monday, the forest department staff at Baliapal released over 250 tiny Olive Ridley turtles into the vast ocean at Dagara, located under the Baliapal block in Balasore district. It is worth mentioning that the picturesque stretch of the sea beach, stretching from Chaumukh to Haskara, has become a popular destination for these turtles to lay their eggs.

Year after year, hundreds of these gentle creatures make their way to this beach, where they dig holes in the sand and lay their eggs before returning to the ocean. The hatchlings, which usually emerge two to three months later, are then carefully guided into the sea by the forest department officials. This year was no different, as the officials watched over the tiny turtles as they embarked on their journey into the vast blue sea.

However, the officials also noted a significant decrease in the number of adult turtles that visited the beach this year. Out of the 400 eggs laid by the turtles, only 253 hatchlings were born. It is a concerning trend that highlights the importance of conservation efforts and protecting the natural habitats of these precious creatures.

But amidst the worries, there was also a sense of hope and joy as the forest department employees, including Hrushikesh Pradhan, Durjaya Karan, Manmath Dalai, and Amulya Jena, escorted the baby turtles safely back into the sea. It was a heartwarming sight to see these dedicated individuals working tirelessly to ensure the safety of the hatchlings.

And who knows, some of these tiny turtles may one day return to the same beach as adults to lay their own eggs and continue the beautiful cycle of life. It is a reminder of the importance of preserving our natural resources and protecting the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The release of these hatchlings is a small but significant step towards a better future for these magnificent creatures.

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