Outrage over mother waxing toddler's brows highlights need for discussing messages we send to children.

You can't truly understand unless you've experienced it yourself.

October 9th 2024.

Outrage over mother waxing toddler's brows highlights need for discussing messages we send to children.
The viral video of a mother waxing her three-year-old daughter's eyebrows has sparked a heated debate on parenting and societal beauty standards. Leah Garcia, the mother in question, filmed herself waxing her daughter Bliss's eyebrows back in 2022, stating that she would rather be called a "bad mum" than let her daughter walk around with a unibrow like she did as a child. Two years later, the video resurfaced on social media and received both support and backlash.

Some argued that mothers can unintentionally become their daughters' first bullies by enforcing certain beauty standards, while others defended Leah's actions and even wished their own parents had done the same for them. However, parenting expert Kirsty Ketley believes that while Leah's concerns may stem from her own experiences, it is important for parents to address appearance-related issues as they arise rather than preemptively trying to fix them.

Kirsty also emphasizes the importance of celebrating our bodies and differences, rather than teaching children to change their appearance to please others. She suggests that parents should be mindful of the language they use and the tone they use when discussing appearance with their children, in order to avoid passing judgment.

Child and family therapist Fiona Yassin adds that the decision of when children can wear makeup or alter their appearance in other ways is a personal one for each family. She urges parents to listen to their children and have open and honest conversations about these topics, rather than setting a specific "magic age."

At the end of the day, it is important for parents to set a good example for their children and be mindful of the impact their words and actions can have. Children often learn by watching those around them, so it is crucial for parents to foster a healthy and positive attitude towards body image and appearance.

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