"Our annual losses of £26,000 to shoplifters have been solved with our new secret weapon to deter thieves."

Stealing is not the sole concern, as violence is also a potential risk.

April 4th 2024.

Vince and Fiona, owners of a convenience shop and post office in Tenby, West Wales, have recently implemented AI technology in their store. The decision was prompted by a string of shoplifting incidents, which were causing them to lose around £26,000 per year. Despite the initial shock and disappointment upon seeing the videos of the thieves on their phones, Vince and Fiona were grateful to have the evidence thanks to AI.

When they took over the business in 2015, technology was not a major aspect of their operations. However, as they expanded and faced challenges such as stock theft, they realized the potential of AI. The couple takes great pride in their store, which employs 14 people and offers a variety of products including local produce. They see it as a way to serve their community and make a positive impact on their customers' lives.

The constant loss of money due to shoplifting was not only disheartening for Vince and Fiona, but it also affected their quality of life and ability to provide for their children. While they felt anger towards the thieves, they also had compassion for their circumstances. They knew they had to take action to protect their business and their employees.

After attending a technology show in 2023, Vince and Fiona decided to invest in x-hoppers headsets and AI cameras. The headsets not only act as a communication tool for the staff but also allow for recording of conversations, ensuring their safety. The AI cameras analyze customer behavior and can immediately flag potential thefts. The couple also made changes in their store layout, such as moving expensive items behind the counter, to further deter theft.

Thanks to the AI technology, Vince and Fiona were able to catch two men who had been stealing from their store repeatedly. The evidence was presented in court and the thieves were prosecuted. The couple believes that AI not only helps catch thieves but also acts as a deterrent. They also make sure to spread the word about the technology and its effectiveness in catching thieves.

However, it's not all about money for Vince and Fiona. They also want their staff to feel safe and protected. They have heard of incidents where other retailers have faced violence from thieves and they never want their employees to feel vulnerable or scared. While they are grateful for the benefits of AI, they also make sure to maintain their store's personality and character.

As Vince is the Wales District President for The Federation of Independent Retailers and Fiona is a Non Exec Director on the Independent Retailer Board of the ACS, they fully support The Fed's 'Safe, Secure, Supported' campaign. They believe that AI can be a valuable tool for independent retailers in ensuring the safety of their businesses and communities. They also stress the importance of sharing stories and experiences to raise awareness and encourage others to consider implementing AI technology.

In conclusion, Vince and Fiona's convenience shop and post office have been transformed by AI technology. They are proud to offer a safe haven for their customers and provide a valuable service to their community. Thanks to AI, they can continue to serve their community for many years to come.

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