March 30th 2023.
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Creating exceptional and unique visual content is the key to making your content stand out from the noise of the 2 million blog posts published each day. Videos, infographics, and posters are visually appealing and easy to digest, making them great for users to stop and read your post. Studies have shown that people can recall up to 65% of the visual content they see 3 days later, making it a great way to share important information. Additionally, 41.5% of marketers say that original graphics, like infographics, perform the best and are shared 3x more than any other visual content. With only 30% of marketers creating their own visuals, it is easy to get ahead of the pack. Additionally, people follow visual instructions 323% better than written instructions, making them a great way to explain something. Visual content can even make you real cash, like Jason Wong's Holy Meme Bible, which did over $200,000 in sales in 3 weeks. Finally, 74% of marketers use visuals in their social media content, so it's important to create visuals that stand out.
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But, with a little creativity, your content can be the one that people remember. With spectacular visuals, your content will be the one that stands out from the millions of blog posts published each day. You don't have to stick to just writing great content anymore. You can create something unique and exceptional that no other writer or brand can copy. Visual content such as videos, infographics and posters can be used to make your content more appealing and engaging. Plus, studies have shown that up to 65% of visual content is remembered three days later, and 41.5% of marketers say that original graphics, like infographics, perform best. What's more, people share infographics 3x more than any other type of content! So, start creating more visual content in 2018 and you’ll be sure to see success.
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