Organizer jailed for misusing donations after using $30K for personal expenses.

Ex-youth organizer in UK jailed for 2 yrs for misusing over $30k in donations.

November 1st 2023.

Organizer jailed for misusing donations after using $30K for personal expenses.
Xahra Saleem, the 23 year old former director of Change Your Mindset, has been sentenced to two years in jail. According to The Independent, she spent over $30,000 of donated funds on personal expenses.

The GoFundMe account was created to help organize a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Bristol, which led to the toppling of a statue honoring a former slave owner. The event generated nearly $40,000 in donations, with Saleem promising to use any remaining money for Change Your Mindset.

Saleem instead transferred the funds to a personal bank account and proceeded to embark on a 15-month spending spree. Everything from Uber trips to beauty products and food deliveries was funded with the money that was meant to provide weekly cooking classes and career and life coaching for minors.

When members of the organization presented her with an ultimatum to transfer the funds in June 2021, Saleem confessed via email. She expressed remorse in her message, saying she was still trying to understand her actions. Her fraudulent behavior resulted in the cancellation of an educational trip to Africa and the eventual closure of the organization.

In January 2023, Saleem appeared in court and initially denied any fraudulent behavior. However, she eventually entered a guilty plea in September. Judge Michael Longman noted that she had not set out to defraud anyone, but rather took advantage of the company money when she had control of it.

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