Nurse apologizes for long hours and suffering, prompting concern about NHS's state.

A reader's shocking experience at the emergency room in MetroTalk.

October 21st 2024.

Nurse apologizes for long hours and suffering, prompting concern about NHS's state.
A recent visit to an A&E in London left one reader shocked and dismayed at the state of the NHS. The reader, who was suffering from a kidney infection, had to endure five hours of waiting without even being given a bed to lie down in. The situation was even worse for other patients, including a woman in her 70s who had to wait 12 hours for a bed and another woman who had been waiting six hours for results from a blood test. The reader also mentioned a man with a heart condition who had been sitting next to her for five hours. This was a shocking experience for the reader, who had previously received better treatment in countries like Cambodia and Thailand.

The reader couldn't help but question what was happening to the NHS and whether those in charge were aware of the dire situation. As a taxpayer, the reader felt that there should be enough staff working and that the health of citizens should be taken seriously. The reader, along with others in the waiting room, was furious at the lack of care and attention being given. It seemed like the wonderful NHS of the past no longer existed, leaving the reader wondering where it had gone.

In response to this chaotic scene, MetroTalk invites readers to share their thoughts on the matter. They can text their comments to 65700 or send an email to the provided address. The Agency Helpline is also available for readers to share their views on topics like Rush-Hour Crush and Good Deed Feed. The Agency is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation and comments may be edited for legal, clarity, or space reasons.

The topic of assisted dying is also brought up, with one reader suggesting that the bill will lead to an ageing population being coerced into taking that option to spare an overstretched NHS. However, another reader argues that the bill doesn't go far enough and that it has some of the toughest regulations in comparison to other states with similar laws. The bill has the support of Kim Leadbeater MP, who has recognized the growing support for it over the years.

Moving on to the US, readers are urged to pay attention to the current situation with the upcoming elections. In an interview with Fox News, Republican candidate Donald Trump has called for the Armed Forces to be used against his political adversaries on polling day. This, along with other signs, has led some to question Trump's mental state. Some even suggest that if this was happening to Joe Biden, the Democrats would have replaced him. However, the Republicans are unable to do so as Trump's supporters control the party.

The benefits of home schooling are also a topic of discussion, with one reader claiming that parents who choose to home-school are only acting in their own narrow-minded interests and not in the best interests of the child. However, other readers who have experience with home schooling argue that it can be effective and even better than mainstream education. They mention the individualized attention and the opportunity for learning to be incorporated into daily life. Readers are encouraged to share their thoughts in the comments section.

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