Notorious 'North Shore Rapist' to undergo long-term supervision after being released.

Graham James Kay, known as the "North Shore Rapist", was released for his crimes in 2015 but returned to jail for stalking a woman in Sydney's city center in 2022.

September 5th 2024.

Notorious 'North Shore Rapist' to undergo long-term supervision after being released.
In 2022, a man was convicted of committing predatory attacks on women and will now be subject to additional monitoring as he tries to reintegrate into society. This individual, Graham James Kay, had previously served 20 years in prison for sexually motivated attacks on eight women in Sydney's north during the 1990s. Known as the "North Shore Rapist", Kay was released on parole in 2015, but was sent back to jail in 2022 for stalking and intimidating a woman in Sydney's city center.

During a hearing at the NSW Supreme Court, Justice Hament Dhanji ordered that Kay be placed under an extended supervision order for three years, in order to protect the community. These types of orders can be imposed by the court on convicted criminals who have completed their sentence, but are still considered to pose a serious risk of reoffending. This ensures that they are closely monitored for an extended period of time.

In a separate case in August, Kay attempted to keep his identity secret, citing concerns for his safety. However, Justice Sarah McNaughton rejected his plea, stating that it was in the best interest of community safety to make his name public. One of Kay's victims from the 1990s also spoke out, saying that it would give others the chance to protect themselves, as she was unable to do so when she feared for her life during the attack.

After his initial release from prison, Kay was once again sentenced in 2018 for breaching his supervision orders by failing to disclose an intimate relationship. Just four days before this sentence began, he assaulted a 16-year-old girl who was working at a supermarket. The girl described the kiss as "slobbery" and was left feeling disgusted and frightened, as she was aware of Kay's previous crimes through media reports.

Kay's actions in the 2022 offense, where he pursued a woman for several hours before sexually assaulting her, were described by a magistrate as being like "a predator on the hunt". This highlights the serious nature of his crimes and the need for extended monitoring and supervision.

For those who have experienced sexual abuse or need support, you can contact organizations such as 1800 RESPECT or the National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service at 1800 211 028. Stay updated on breaking news, celebrity gossip, and sports through our WhatsApp channel, where there are no comments, algorithms, or privacy concerns.

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