After a decade since the death of Eric Garner, has there been any progress or improvements?

It has been 10 years since Eric Garner was killed.

July 17th 2024.

After a decade since the death of Eric Garner, has there been any progress or improvements?
It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since the tragic death of Eric Garner. On a hot summer day in 2014, Garner was approached by NYPD officers on suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes. What should have been a routine arrest turned deadly when officer Daniel Pantaleo used a chokehold on the 43-year-old African American man, ultimately causing his death.

The police claimed that Garner had a heart attack on his way to the hospital, but an autopsy revealed that it was the chokehold that set off a series of events that led to his death. Video footage captured by a passerby showed Garner gasping for air and pleading "I can't breathe" eleven times before losing consciousness. It took seven minutes for an ambulance to arrive, and he was pronounced dead an hour later at the hospital.

Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, was devastated by her son's death and became an activist, public speaker, and author. In an interview, she shared the heartbreaking moment she was told about her son's death. She was so overwhelmed with grief that she couldn't even go to the hospital. "It's worse than a nightmare because at least with a nightmare, you wake up," she said.

The aftermath of Garner's death sparked nationwide protests and became a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. But despite the public outcry, it took years for any real change to happen. It's been a decade since that fateful day, and we still have a long way to go.

Eric Garner was more than just a statistic. He was a son, a friend, a husband, and a father of six. He was known as a peacemaker in his community and worked as a mechanic, bouncer, and horticulturist before his asthma forced him to stop. He was married to his childhood sweetheart, Esaw Snipes, and together they had six children. Tragically, Garner's daughter Erica, who also became an activist after her father's death, passed away from a heart attack at the age of 27 in 2017.

The officer responsible for Garner's death, Daniel Pantaleo, remained on the job for five years until he was finally dismissed in 2018. The city of New York paid Garner's family $5.9 million in a settlement. It wasn't until 2019, five years later, that Pantaleo was fired for using the prohibited chokehold. The Justice Department also decided not to file federal charges against him.

The decision to dismiss Pantaleo was met with mixed reactions, but there were no winners in this situation. As James O'Neill, the New York Police Commissioner at the time, said, "There are absolutely no victors here today - not the Garner family, not the community at-large, and certainly not the courageous men and women of this police department, who put their own lives on the line every single day in service to the people of this great city." The death of Eric Garner will always be a tragic reminder of the need for change and justice in our society.
A decade has passed since the tragic death of Eric Garner. It was on July 17, 2014 when the 43-year-old African American man was approached by NYPD officers in Staten Island, New York. The officers suspected Garner of selling untaxed cigarettes, also known as ‘loosies’. What should have been a simple arrest took a devastating turn when officer Daniel Pantaleo applied a chokehold on Garner, ultimately leading to his death.

Despite the officer's claims that Garner had suffered a heart attack on the way to the hospital, an autopsy revealed that it was the chokehold that set off a series of events that resulted in his death. The medical examiner confirmed that the maneuver caused hemorrhaging in his neck, triggering an asthma attack and ultimately leading to cardiac arrest. Shocking video footage of the incident, taken by a passerby, shows Garner repeatedly saying ‘I can't breathe’ before losing consciousness. The ambulance took seven minutes to arrive and Garner was pronounced dead an hour later at the hospital.

Garner's mother, Gwen Carr, was devastated by the news of her son's death. In an interview with ABC News, she shared the moment she was told about her son's passing. Her husband had to take her home as she was too distraught to go to the hospital. Carr described the experience as a never-ending nightmare, as she could not simply wake up from the pain and grief.

The killing of Eric Garner sparked outrage and protests across America, with many using his final words as a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. However, it took years for any significant change to be made. A decade has passed since that tragic day, and it is essential to reflect on the progress that has been made.

Eric Garner was more than just a victim of police brutality; he was a beloved son, friend, husband, and father. Born on September 15, 1970, he was known for his peaceful nature and had worked as a mechanic, bouncer, and horticulturist before his asthma forced him to give up the latter. He was married to his childhood sweetheart and had six children.

In an interview with Revolt, Garner's wife Esaw spoke about her husband's character and how she wants him to be remembered. She described him as a good person who did everything he could to provide for his family. Tragically, Garner's daughter Erica, who became an activist following her father's death, passed away at the age of 27 in 2017.

The officer responsible for Garner's death, Daniel Pantaleo, remained in his job for five years before being dismissed in 2018. The City of New York paid the Garner family a settlement of $5.9 million in an out-of-court agreement. It was not until 2019, five years later, that Pantaleo was finally fired for using the prohibited chokehold. The Justice Department also announced that federal charges would not be filed against him. The decision to dismiss the officer was met with mixed reactions, with New York Police Commissioner James O'Neill acknowledging that there were no winners in this situation. The Garner family, the community, and the police department all suffered as a result of this tragedy.

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