No sex at home, but car orgasms are amazing.

He draws me in and things quickly escalate.

August 23rd 2024.

No sex at home, but car orgasms are amazing.
I just can't bring myself to do it in my parents' house. The thought of sneaking around and potentially getting caught is just too stressful for me. But in this week's edition of How I Do It, we'll be hearing from Aubrey, a 26-year-old living in Kent, who has found a way to navigate her sex life while living with her parents.

Aubrey is a bisexual woman who is currently single and actively dating. However, she also has a "sneaky f*ck buddy" in London who she meets up with for casual sex whenever she's feeling bored or horny. She admits that she has sex about twice a month, often with men because she has had bad experiences with rejection from women.

She explains, "I struggle with rejection in dating, and usually resort to casual sex with men if my latest dating endeavor doesn’t work out." But things may be changing for Aubrey, as she has recently started seeing someone new and is questioning whether her casual hookups may be coming to an end.

Without further ado, here's how Aubrey's week went...

It's 10pm and my train has just been cancelled at London Bridge station. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for me. I would just hop on a tube or bus and find an alternative route back to my flat. However, due to rising living costs and a difficult flatmate, I had to move back in with my parents in Kent, which is a 40-minute train ride from London.

With the cancellation, my fastest route back now is almost two-and-a-half hours. I'll be getting home close to 1am and will have to be back in the city by 9am. I could just deal with it and treat myself to a double espresso on the train tomorrow morning, but then I have an idea. I pull out my phone and open WhatsApp. He's online.

I've been hooking up with Peter again. We used to date briefly, but things didn't work out. After a few pints at an event hosted by the running club we both attended, we ended up back in bed together. The arrangement works well for both of us - he's hot, I'm horny, and we have nothing in common outside of the bedroom, so there's no chance of getting emotionally attached.

I sigh and start typing, "You up?"

He was awake, but he's on holiday with his family. So, I take the long train ride home. It's been more difficult to manage my sex life since moving back home. I used to be able to hop on a tube and be having sex within an hour, but now I have to be more discreet.

Hookups are scheduled around the days I'm in London and I have to come up with excuses for overnight stays with my "friend" when really, I'm seeing a guy who looks like Henry Cavill and has commitment issues. But for now, I'm texting with James, a guy I met on Tinder. We've only been on one date, but we hit it off and shared a kiss at the end. He's really sweet, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

The London dating scene has made me wary. I've had multiple experiences where things ended after a few dates, just as I was starting to get attached. It's left me feeling devastated each time. So, with James, I'm trying to take things slowly. But even still, I can't help feeling anxious about our date tomorrow. I masturbate to calm my nerves and give myself a confidence boost before heading to my closet to pick out an outfit.

It's our second date and I'm feeling much more nervous than I was on our first. My fidgeting and forgetfulness are evidence of that. At one point, I even choke on my water. But despite my nerves, when we leave the restaurant, he asks to hold my hand. As we walk, he loops his arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

We head back to his car and he kisses me again, this time with more confidence. He puts his hand in my hair and pulls me towards him. Soon enough, things escalate and I find myself straddling his lap. As we kiss, his hands roam to my breasts and I can feel his growing excitement against my thigh. He kisses my chest and collarbone, and I can't help but moan.

We eventually make our way back to his place and have an incredible night together. As much as sneaking around and hiding my sex life from my parents can be stressful, moments like these make it all worth it. Who knows, maybe things with James will continue to progress and I won't have to sneak around anymore. But until then, I'll continue to navigate my sex life in my childhood bedroom, hoping to find that perfect balance between pleasure and privacy.
I really don't want to do this in my parents' house. It's just not the ideal setting for me to engage in any sexual activities. But here I am, living with them again at the age of 26.

Welcome to How I Do It, where we give you a sneak peek into the sex life of a stranger for seven days. This week, we hear from Aubrey, a 26-year-old living in Kent. She's single and currently dating, but also has a casual sexual partner in London that she meets up with whenever she's feeling bored or horny.

Aubrey is bisexual, but she tends to have sex with men more often because she feels she has "no luck" with women. She explains that she struggles with rejection when it comes to dating, and often turns to casual sex with men if her dating attempts don't work out. However, a new flame in her life has her questioning if this casual hook-up era is coming to an end.

So, without further ado, here's how Aubrey's week went...

Let's just say, this sex diary is not safe for work. On Monday, I found myself in a bit of a predicament. It was 10pm at London Bridge station and my train had just been cancelled. Normally, this wouldn't have been a big deal. I would have found an alternative route back to my flat. But since I moved back to my parents' house, things have been a lot more complicated. The rising living costs and a difficult flatmate forced me to pack my bags and leave London behind. Now, my fastest route back home would take me almost two-and-a-half hours. It was already late and I had to be back in the city by 9am. I could just suck it up and treat myself to a double espresso on the train the next morning. Or... I could text Peter.

Peter is my current hook-up buddy. We used to date briefly, but things fizzled out when the initial sexual attraction faded and we realized we didn't have much in common. However, after running into each other at an event, we ended up back in bed together. It's a lot easier this way - he's hot, I'm horny, and we have nothing in common outside of the bedroom. It's highly unlikely that I'll develop any feelings for him. So, I swallow my pride and send him a text: "You up?"

On Tuesday, I found out that Peter was actually awake, but he was on holiday with his family. So, I ended up taking the long train home. Living with my parents again has made navigating my sex life a lot more difficult. Before, I could easily hop on a tube and be having sex within the hour. Now, I have to be more discreet. My hook-ups are usually arranged around the days I'm in London, and I tell my parents I'm staying at a friend's place overnight. They don't need to know that I'm actually going to see a Henry Cavill lookalike with commitment issues and a cock ring.

In the meantime, I've been texting James, a guy I met on Tinder. We've only been on one date so far, but we really hit it off. He's sweet and we have a lot in common. However, I'm trying not to get my hopes up because the London dating scene has made me wary. I've been in situations where things ended after a few dates, just when I was starting to get attached. It's happened multiple times and it's always devastating. So, I'm taking things slow with James, but I can't help but feel anxious about our second date tomorrow. To calm my nerves, I decide to masturbate and give myself a confidence boost before picking out an outfit for our date.

On Wednesday, I was a bundle of nerves for our second date. I kept fidgeting and stumbling over my words. At one point, I even choked on my water. But despite my nerves, things went better than expected. After dinner, he asked to hold my hand and we shared a sweet kiss in his car before heading back to his place. It didn't take long for things to get heated. I straddled his lap and we kissed passionately. His hands roamed over my body and I couldn't help but moan as he kissed my chest and collarbone. Things were definitely heating up between us.

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