Newly opened African-American museum marks milestone with first anniversary celebration.

About 80% of Black Americans have roots in Charleston and the museum, located on Gadsen's Wharf, is mindful of its role as the main port for enslaved people.

June 30th 2024.

Newly opened African-American museum marks milestone with first anniversary celebration.
Can you believe it? After two decades of planning and development, Charleston, South Carolina's International African American Museum has officially been open for one year! And what a year it has been. The museum, which cost a whopping $100 million, has already welcomed 187,657 visitors and boasts 7,148 yearly memberships. These numbers are even higher than expected, and Dr. Tanya Matthews, the museum's president and CEO, couldn't be happier.

In an interview with Live 5 News, Matthews expressed her excitement over the museum's performance. "Our engagement levels have far exceeded our expectations," she said. "We always knew there was a lot of excitement surrounding our opening, but we never could have predicted this level of support." As they move into their second year, Matthews and her team are feeling confident and are eager to continue creating innovative and engaging experiences for their visitors.

One of the keys to the museum's success has been their ability to adapt and evolve. With five rotating exhibits, there is always something new and exciting for visitors to see. These exhibits were carefully curated and developed over the museum's 20-year incubation period. Matthews also shared that the museum's storytelling ability has been a major draw for visitors. "We're constantly finding new ways to tell these important stories," she explained. "And I think that's what keeps people coming back."

One of the museum's most popular exhibits is Follow the North Star, curated by James E. Bartlett. This powerful exhibit explores the different ways Black Americans have defined and pursued freedom throughout history. From the Great Migration to the Harlem Renaissance, and even beyond the borders of the United States, this exhibit showcases the incredible resilience and determination of the Black community. Matthews shared that visitors have been deeply moved and inspired by this exhibit, despite its tough subject matter.

It's no surprise that this museum is thriving, given its location on Gadsen's Wharf, the largest port of entry for enslaved people from 1783-1807. According to National Geographic, about 80% of Black Americans can trace at least one ancestor to the Charleston area. The museum is acutely aware of this history and has made it a priority to honor and explore it. Their logo even features a small triangular mark representing Gadsen's Wharf, acknowledging the past and looking towards a future of reconciliation and understanding.

In the words of Matthews, "together, we can move forward." And that's exactly what this museum is all about. Through their exhibits and programs, the International African American Museum is educating and inspiring visitors to learn from the past and work towards a better future. And with their incredible success in just one year, there's no doubt that this museum will continue to be a powerful force for change in the years to come.

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