Four tiger cubs crushed by mother's weight.

Four tiger cubs died at a zoo in Ranchi due to a freak accident when their mother, a relocated tigress, accidentally crushed them under her own weight.

May 15th 2024.

Four tiger cubs crushed by mother's weight.
The Birsa Zoo in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, is currently facing a somber atmosphere as four tiger cubs born to Gauri tragically passed away just hours after their birth in a freak accident. The tigress, who was relocated from Chhattisgarh six years ago, accidentally crushed her newborns under her own weight. According to zoo officials, this was due to Gauri's lack of experience in giving birth.

The unfortunate incident occurred at the Birsa Biological Park, which is situated about 15 km away from Ranchi, on May 10. The zoo authorities had been closely monitoring Gauri via CCTV, but they were unable to prevent the tragedy from happening. Reports from the management state that Gauri gave birth at midnight. However, when she changed positions, the cubs were caught underneath her, resulting in their untimely deaths.

The veterinarian at the zoo, O.P. Sahu, explained that Gauri was not aware of the cubs' presence as she had no prior experience in caring for newborns. He stated, "The mother accidentally crushed them with her weight when she turned to her side. Gauri was not familiar with the concept of caring for her cubs, and as a result, she unintentionally caused their deaths." Sadly, on May 11, all four cubs passed away due to suffocation under Gauri's weight.

When the management was informed of the situation, they immediately intervened and removed the cubs from Gauri's care. However, it was too late, as three cubs had already passed away, and the fourth one also succumbed to the accident before it could be saved. The zoo officials from UNI expressed their grief over the tragic incident and are currently investigating the matter to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

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