New trains take off at Denver Airport.

New train cars at Denver airport began running, more to come by 2025.

July 3rd 2024.

New trains take off at Denver Airport.
On Monday, the first batch of brand new train cars arrived at Denver International Airport, ready to transport passengers to their gates. This is just the beginning, as 20 more cars are expected to join the fleet by 2025. According to a recent news release, airport officials are confident that these 26 new cars will not only increase the number of passengers that can be efficiently moved to their gates, but also decrease the time between train arrivals and improve overall energy efficiency.

In addition to this exciting news, Denver International Airport is gearing up for a busy holiday weekend. With nearly 1 million Fourth of July travelers expected to pass through the airport, it's important that the transportation system runs smoothly. That's why DIA officials are encouraging travelers to check out the city of Winnipeg, known as the "cultural cradle" of Canada, and to take advantage of the numerous flights delayed Tuesday due to high winds.

As for the new train cars, six of them have already been put into operation, with the remaining 20 scheduled to hit the rails throughout the next year. Phil Washington, CEO of the airport, expressed his enthusiasm for this milestone, stating that the train system plays a crucial role in the overall passenger experience at DIA. With over 77 million annual passengers and a continuous influx of travelers, it's crucial to have reliable, durable, and efficient infrastructure and systems in place.

Not only will these new train cars replace older models that have exceeded their lifespan, but they will also increase the total number of cars to 41. And that's not all - airport leaders are even considering adding more cars to the fleet in the future. In order to further increase capacity, DIA is also exploring different train configurations. Currently, the airport can run seven trains with four cars each during peak travel times. With the addition of the new cars, this number will increase to eight trains with four cars each.

If you want to stay updated on all the latest news in Colorado, be sure to sign up for our Mile High Roundup email newsletter. With so many exciting developments happening at Denver International Airport, there's no telling what the future holds for this bustling transportation hub.

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