Daisy cheats on Daniel in a passionate betrayal, causing a sex scandal on Coronation Street.

Complications ahead.

October 9th 2023.

Daisy cheats on Daniel in a passionate betrayal, causing a sex scandal on Coronation Street.
Daisy Midgeley and Ryan Connor have been suppressing their feelings for one another for a long time. However, during a week of heightened emotions for Ryan, Daisy gives in to her feelings and they share a passionate encounter.

The impetus for this encounter happened when Daniel, feeling that Ryan and the kids at the STC will get a lot out of the discussion about the acid attack that left Ryan scarred for life, persuades him to give a talk. Daisy provides moral support for Ryan during this difficult time.

Daisy tries to persuade Ryan to stop selling explicit videos of himself and sharing other adult online content now that he has more confidence about his body image. Unfortunately, what Daisy is unaware of is that Ryan has also been abusing steroids. When Max and Gav spray Ryan with fizzy pop, Ryan pins Gav to the ground in a rage, only to be stopped by Daisy.

Ryan breaks down to Daisy and admits his steroid abuse, and decides to remove the filter on his live stream, revealing his scarred face to his followers. Daisy is moved by Ryan’s bravery and calls at his flat, which leads to a passionate kiss.

Charlotte Jordan, who plays Daisy, commented on the situation: “She knows what’s right and she knows what’s wrong, she’s tried to put distance between them, but once she’s in a private space with Ryan, it all seems to go out the window and she totally follows her heart and lives to regret it every time. But she can’t seem to help herself.”

Charlotte attributes the “trauma bond” between Daisy and Ryan as the reason they are drawn to each other, as they both shared the horrific experience of the acid attack together. Daisy may have ruined her chances at happiness with Daniel, as Lauren soon works out what happened and decides to use the knowledge to her advantage.

Daisy’s actions have left many wondering what are her real feelings for Ryan. As Charlotte herself expressed it: ‘Oh, Daisy!’

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