New evidence shakes up Lauren's murder case on Coronation Street.

The missing piece of the puzzle.

May 26th 2024.

New evidence shakes up Lauren's murder case on Coronation Street.
It was February when Lauren mysteriously disappeared, leaving her loved ones and the community in shock and despair. But as the days turned into weeks and then months, hope for her safe return began to dwindle. That is until a special week of Coronation Street episodes aired, promising to reveal the truth about what really happened to Lauren.

The week began on Monday May 27, with viewers on the edge of their seats as twists and turns unfolded. Roy Cropper, a beloved member of the community, was in prison and the police's main suspect. However, a new face emerged as a more likely candidate for the killing - Nathan Curtis. Nathan, a known paedophile who had previously groomed and raped Bethany Platt, had just been released from prison and returned to Weatherfield.

Bethany, still traumatized by her past experiences with Nathan, was horrified by his return. In a desperate attempt to protect herself and others, she confided in her mother Sarah and together they came up with a plan. Sarah had found a hair bobble belonging to Lauren at the Platts' and they decided to plant it in Nathan's van at the building site in hopes of incriminating him.

Their plan was almost foiled when they were caught in the act by police officer Kit Green. He warned Sarah to let the police handle the investigation, but she persisted. Nathan was eventually arrested and when Sarah asked Kit if they found anything in the van, he revealed that a hair belonging to Lauren had been discovered.

While the arrest brought some relief, there was still the fear that Nathan could walk free if there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. Daniel, Sarah's husband, reached out to Nicky Wheatley for help. Nicky put them in touch with Ellie, a young woman who had also been groomed as a teenager and may have information about Lauren's case.

Bethany and Daniel met with Ellie, who shared a chilling story of how her "boyfriend" had turned violent and threatened to kill her. This sounded eerily similar to what Lauren had experienced with her mystery boyfriend who showered her with expensive gifts. When Bethany showed Ellie a photograph of Nathan, the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fall into place.

Recent pictures revealed that actors Channique Sterling-Brown and Lucy Fallon, who play Dee-Dee Bailey and Bethany respectively, were filming together on location. Could they have been given a lead that would finally prove Nathan's guilt? Another actor, Calum Lill who plays Joel Deering, was also spotted on location. With Joel set to represent Nathan, it seems like he may have also been given a heads up about this crucial information.

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