How a Green Tech Startup With No Climate Experience Secured Millions of Dollars in Government Contracts

Oklahoma’s oil industry pays into a voluntary fund to clean up oil wells, but many drillers opt out. The money that has been refunded to these companies in recent years could have restored an estimated 1,500 orphan well sites.

How a Green Tech Startup With No Climate Experience Secured Millions of Dollars in Government Contracts

Reporting Highlights

  • Influencers: Nevada lobbyists with little experience in green tech repeatedly got government contracts on the promise their startup, NZero, could track carbon output in real time.
  • Not as Promised: With one exception, the carbon tracking platform didn’t work as described. That, however, hasn’t prevented the firm from securing even more government contracts.
  • Opportunity Cost: Some state officials opposed the spending, citing a years-old list of less-showy energy efficiency projects, like changing light bulbs, that haven't been funded.

These highlights were written by the reporters and editors who worked on this story.

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