Netflix has just acquired a popular thriller, known as one of the greatest of its genre.

I believed she was a troubled woman.

June 23rd 2024.

Netflix has just acquired a popular thriller, known as one of the greatest of its genre.
Netflix has just added one of the most famous psychological thrillers in film history to its library. That's right, the iconic Fatal Attraction from 1987, starring the talented duo of Michael Douglas and Glenn Close and directed by Adrian Lyne, is now available for streaming. This gripping movie has long been hailed as one of the most suspenseful and mind-bending thrillers of its time.

The story follows Dan Gallagher, a man who seemingly has it all - a perfect life with a loving wife and daughter. However, things take a dark turn when Dan has an affair with his editor, a woman named Alex. As their relationship becomes more intense, Alex begins to systematically destroy Dan's life, leading to a thrilling and terrifying climax.

Not only was Fatal Attraction nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture, but it also achieved great commercial success, grossing over $320 million worldwide and being named the second highest-grossing film of the year in the US. This film also solidified Douglas and Close's status as top-notch actors, capable of delivering complex and emotional performances.

Many consider Fatal Attraction to be the catalyst for the popular "erotic thriller" genre that dominated the late 1980s and mid-1990s, with films like Basic Instinct and Indecent Proposal following in its footsteps. The film's impact was so significant that it even spawned numerous copycat films attempting to capture the same suspense and intensity.

Close's portrayal of the increasingly unhinged Alex is nothing short of mesmerizing, with her character's actions leaving a lasting impact on viewers. And now, thanks to Netflix, a whole new generation can experience the movie that coined the infamous term "bunny boiler" to describe a woman on the edge.

Since its release, Fatal Attraction has been a topic of much cultural conversation, with Close herself weighing in on her character's motivations. In a 2016 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Close shared her belief that Alex was not a psychopath but a deeply troubled woman, adding a layer of complexity to her already captivating performance.

With its intense plot, stellar performances, and cultural significance, Fatal Attraction is a must-watch for any fan of thrillers or classic cinema. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and get ready for a wild ride with this timeless film. And who knows, you may even discover a new appreciation for the phrase "bunny boiler."

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