Neptune retrograde is a reminder to reflect and take stock of your life.

Transit ends in Dec.

July 1st 2023.

Neptune retrograde is a reminder to reflect and take stock of your life.
Things get serious when Neptune goes into retrograde. This occurs from July 1 until December 6 and is caused by the planet's orbit around Earth making it look as though it is spinning backwards. Astrologically, this reverses the planet’s influence or blocks it.

Neptune is the mysterious planet that fuels Pisces' empathetic, intuitive, and sometimes psychic, powers. But when in retrograde, this influence fades, allowing us to focus on more practical, material, and tangible details. We can take a reality check and see things for what they really are without illusion.

What reality check awaits you this Neptune Retrograde? Let the tarot guide you.

For Aries, the tarot card is the Seven of Wands, which is a reminder to know yourself as a competitor and understand how you come across to those you are in competition with. It could be a game, personal development, work, or even sports. Knowing this could be a game-changer.

For Taurus, the card is Strength, which is a reminder to take a pause and review the journey of the year. Take note of all the challenges faced and the victories gained. Don’t forget to celebrate the recent gains and recognise how powerful and strong you are.

Gemini is represented by the Eight of Coins. This card is a reminder to stay consistent and not lose sight of the current projects. Don’t skip off into a new horizon and don’t ditch the old for the new. The rewards will come if you persist.

Cancer is represented by the Eight of Cups. It is time to face a disappointment that you have been trying to suppress and release the expectations. Something better is coming along.

Leo is represented by the Knight of Wands. This card is a reminder to not hide your exuberant nature and zest for life. Don’t play a fake role, let your passions lead you to places and people that excite you.

Virgo is represented by the Hanged Man. This card is a reminder to face the reality of a situation and admit defeat. Don’t try to suppress it and let go of the expectations. Something better is coming.
Things get real when Neptune goes into retrograde. This year, Neptune moves into a retrograde from July 1 to December 6. During this period, the planet's orbit around Earth makes it look as though it is spinning backwards. Astrologically, this reverses the planet’s influence, or blocks it.

Neptune is all about mystery, illusion, magic, and the esoteric. It fuels Pisces' empathetic, intuitive, and even psychic powers. But during a retrograde, this changes and Neptune’s influence fades, allowing us to focus on more practical, material, and tangible details. We can look at reality unvarnished and without illusion, and see things as they really, truly are.

What reality check awaits you this Neptune retrograde? Let the tarot guide you. For Aries, the tarot card for this Neptune retrograde is the Seven of Wands. This card shows that you're a natural winner, but you can always improve. It asks you to know yourself as a competitor, and to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge could help you to engage with competition in the future.

For Taurus, the tarot card for this Neptune retrograde is Strength. It asks you to take a pause and review the journey of the year, noting in particular the challenges faced and tackled. You are powerful and strong, and you deserve to celebrate the recent gains.

Gemini is represented by the tarot card Eight of Coins. This card reminds you to be consistent, and not to lose sight of your current projects. Don't skip off into a new horizon; instead, dig in and press on. The rewards will come.

Cancer is represented by the tarot card Eight of Cups. This card asks you to face a disappointment you have tried to suppress. It's time to admit defeat, surrender, and release the expectations. Something better is coming along.

For Leo, the tarot card for this Neptune retrograde is Knight of Wands. This card shows that you have been playing a cautious role, acting all serious and mature, and hiding your adventurous spirit. It's time to embrace your exuberant nature and let your passions lead you to places and people that excite you.

Virgo is represented by the tarot card The Hanged Man. This card shows that your stubborn refusal to accept reality is holding you in a painful limbo. Until you face the true facts, you will not be able to progress. Let your ego subside and look at it all again with fresh eyes.

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