"My show at the Edinburgh Fringe tackles sexual assault and aims to support other men who have experienced it."

Alex Kitson recently revealed his experience after keeping it hidden for a significant amount of time.

July 19th 2024.

Alex Kitson is a comedian who is bringing his raw and personal show to the Edinburgh Fringe. In Must I Paint You A Picture?, the 28-year-old shares the story of a traumatic experience he had while travelling through the US. By opening up about his own struggles, he hopes to connect with others and help them feel less alone.

In an interview with The Agency, Alex explains that his show is centered around his biggest secret, which he is now sharing with the world. With a nervous laugh, he describes it as a show about resilience and the importance of never giving up. At 19 years old, while his friends were off at university, Alex embarked on a journey through the US. But when he ran out of money and sought shelter with a Trump-supporting man in the woods on the night of the Brexit vote, things took a sinister turn.

Despite being naive to the potential danger, Alex found himself in a terrifying situation. He believes the man tried to drug him, but Alex managed to fight him off and escape. However, the man continued to harass him throughout the night, making Alex feel trapped and vulnerable. Eventually, he was able to hitch a ride to safety, but the experience left a lasting impact on him.

Alex shares that after returning home, he kept this experience to himself out of shame and embarrassment. But as time passed, he realized that keeping it a secret was causing him more harm than good. It wasn't until years later that he finally opened up to his friends and family, who were all incredibly supportive and understanding.

Through his show, Alex reads out diary entries from the days and weeks following the assault. He explains that there were jokes sprinkled throughout, as a way for him to cope and find some light in a dark situation. He believes that laughing at something can be one of the most resilient things a person can do. But despite the humorous moments, Alex wants to make it clear that his show is about a serious topic and aims to start important conversations.

He hopes that by sharing his story, he can help other men who have been through similar experiences feel less alone. He acknowledges that sexual assault is more common than people realize and that there has been a shift in recent years towards openly discussing it. He hopes that his show will contribute to this important conversation and provide support for those who need it.

Alex's show is set to hit the Edinburgh Fringe in August. Despite the serious subject matter, he promises that it will still be funny. He acknowledges that while his story is significant, there are likely others in the audience who have been through even worse. But he hopes that by sharing his experience, he can provide a sense of security for others who may be struggling.

In the end, Alex wants to use his platform as a comedian to make a positive impact and connect with his audience in a meaningful way. He believes that laughter is a powerful tool and hopes to use it to spread a message of resilience and support.

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