"My partner is obsessed with Disney and it's going to ruin our wedding."

She might show up wearing glass slippers covered in blood.

August 18th 2024.

Dear Jordan,

Congratulations on your engagement! I can tell that you are truly excited to start your life together with your amazing fiancée. However, there seems to be one small issue that is causing some tension – her love for Disney. As a wedding planner and venue owner, I have seen my fair share of dilemmas and I am here to help you with yours.

Your fiancée is what we call a "Disney adult." She loves everything Disney – from trips to Disneyland with her friends, to buying Disney memorabilia, to singing the songs around the house. While you don't have a major problem with Disney, you see it as something for children and have no interest in incorporating it into your wedding now that you are adults.

It's understandable that your fiancée wants to include some aspect of Disney into your special day, but you have made it clear that you don't want a full-on themed wedding. Instead, she has agreed to have some "touches" of Disney, such as Minnie and Mickey cake toppers, playing "So This is Love" as she walks down the aisle, and using "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" as your first dance song. You even joke about her wearing glass slippers to the wedding. However, you are worried that these touches might make your wedding feel juvenile.

I understand your concerns, Jordan. Weddings are supposed to be a mature and elegant affair, and the thought of incorporating cartoon characters and songs into it may seem out of place. But let's not forget that your fiancée is a "truly fantastic woman," and her love for Disney is a big part of who she is. It's worth taking the time to understand where this love comes from and how it adds to her wonderful personality.

Weddings can be stressful for everyone involved, and I'm sure you want your day to be perfect. That's why it's important to have a wedding that reflects both of your tastes and values. For your fiancée, Disney represents magic, nostalgia, and happiness – all of which are in line with the spirit of a wedding. It's her way of adding a personal touch and bringing joy to your special day.

But of course, it's also important to consider your preferences and make sure your wedding is a reflection of both of you. A marriage is all about compromise, understanding, and respect. Your fiancée has already compromised by agreeing to not have a full-on themed wedding. Perhaps it's time for you to do the same and respect her desires.

However, if the thought of having too many Disney touches makes you truly uncomfortable, it's important to communicate this with your fiancée. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable on your wedding day. Have an open and honest conversation with her and find a middle ground where both of you feel represented and celebrated.

As you navigate this discussion, remember to approach it with love, patience, and a willingness to compromise. After all, the most important part of your wedding is not the theme, but the commitment you are making to each other. I have no doubt that you and your fiancée will find a solution that works for both of you.

I wish you both a beautiful and harmonious wedding day.

Best wishes,

P.S. Do you have any other wedding dilemmas? Feel free to email me and I'll do my best to help. Weddings can be stressful, but they should also be a time of joy and love. So don't hesitate to reach out for some guidance.

P.P.S. Share your views and experiences in the comments below. We can all learn from each other's stories.

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