My ideal date was very attractive, like Shrek.

"Surprised to find out Pinocchio likes wearing women's underwear."

August 31st 2024.

My ideal date was very attractive, like Shrek.
As I lay in bed, trying to fight off a pesky cold, my partner Bren turned to me with a mischievous grin and exclaimed, "You're never going to guess what I've got planned for tonight!" My curiosity piqued, I eagerly awaited the surprise that he had been teasing me with for weeks.

I couldn't help but let my imagination wander, wondering if he had signed us up for a Tough Mudder or booked a skydive and bungee jump like that poor woman on Don't Tell the Bride. But when I suggested reinstating weekly date nights to keep the romance alive in our relationship, I never could have guessed what Bren had in store for me.

We had both been in relationships that fizzled out due to a lack of effort and spontaneity, so we made a promise to each other to never let our flame die out. And since then, we've taken turns planning exciting and unique date nights, from late-night Japanese dinners to at-home movie marathons, and even a spa night away.

But this time, Bren had something even bigger and better planned. As I asked him for specifics on what to wear, he simply replied, "Just something nice!" As a woman, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about getting the dress code right. But little did I know, I was about to be blown away by what Bren had in store for us.

We arrived at an unsuspecting pub on the outskirts of Winchester and my eyes widened at the sight of a poster that read "TONIGHT: THE OGRETONES. THE UK'S #1 SHREK TRIBUTE BAND." I was as shocked as when I learned that Pinocchio had a thing for ladies' underwear. It was like a fever dream, except it was all very real.

You see, Shrek has always held a special place in my heart. It's my go-to movie when I'm feeling down or overwhelmed, and it never fails to make me laugh. And my partner had learned of my love for the green ogre early on in our relationship, so he was just as excited as me to see what this event had in store.

The night was filled with surprises, from Ogretinis at the bar to a high-energy set list that had us singing and dancing along to Shrek's greatest hits. And as the band took the stage, dressed as fairytale characters like the three Blind Mice and the Big Bad Wolf, I couldn't help but feel like a kid again.

We sang our hearts out to Smash Mouth's "All Star" and danced along to a spectacular rendition of "Live and Let Die." It was truly the best night ever, and I couldn't believe how perfectly Bren had planned it all. We arrived home with hoarse voices and full hearts, knowing that this was a date night we would never forget.

The next morning, I posted a video of our Shrek-filled evening on TikTok, thinking it would make our friends and family laugh. But to our surprise, it went viral with over one and a half million views and hundreds of comments from people who shared our love for the green ogre.

The experience brought us even closer and reminded us of the importance of thoughtfulness, fun, and embracing the unexpected in a relationship. We may have never thought of ourselves as the type to open up our relationship, but that night with Shrek and his band of misfits showed us that anything is possible if we keep the romance alive. And as Donkey would say, that'll do, Bren, that'll do.

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