My former partner wants me back, but he also desires other women.

He enjoys being with other girls but none compare to me.

July 6th 2024.

My former partner wants me back, but he also desires other women.
"Can you believe it? You'd have to be out of your mind to follow through with his plan. I mean, come on, who would want to be in a relationship with someone who's already broken your heart before? But let's be real, we've all secretly wished for that moment when our ex comes crawling back, begging for another chance. And guess what? This reader actually got her wish. Her ex-boyfriend finally confessed that he wants to give their relationship another shot. But, and this is a big BUT, he still wants to sleep with other people. Can you believe that?
Let me break it down for you. Our reader was all set for a romantic reunion, only to find out that her ex still wants to see other women on the side. Talk about a slap in the face. But before you go, make sure to check out last week's predicament from a reader whose perfect life with his wife and mistress is about to come crashing down.
So let's get into the nitty-gritty. Our reader was in a long-term relationship with this guy for three whole years. But just before Christmas, he decides to end things, claiming that their relationship has become stale and that he needs his freedom. Ouch. Can you imagine how devastated she must have been? But with the support of friends and family, she thought she had gotten over the worst of it.
That is until they unexpectedly bumped into each other at a local pub. And let's just say, sparks were flying. As they talked, our reader could feel the love still lingering between them. It wasn't just her, he felt it too. He seemed genuinely sad about what they had lost. The next day, he even called and asked to meet up. Of course, our reader was excited at the thought of a reconciliation.
But hold on, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. The date didn't go exactly as planned. Essentially, he tells her that he still loves her and wants to get back together...but with an open relationship. He claims he enjoys the freedom of seeing other women, but assures her that none of them could ever be as special as she is. Apparently, this is a common thing among his friends nowadays. And get this, he doesn't mind if she sees other guys, as long as he remains her number one. Can you imagine?
Naturally, our reader was taken aback and hurt by his proposition. But at the same time, she still wants to be with him. She wonders if this is just a phase he'll eventually grow out of. But is it worth taking the risk and turning her back on him?
Well, let me tell you, you'd be mad to go along with his plan. Don't settle for a man who expects you to share him with other women, while he gets to have his cake and eat it too. What does that say about his true feelings for you? I'm sure he's painted this picture of an open relationship as something wonderful and exciting, but let's be real, in this case, it's just giving him everything he wants at your expense.
Sure, open relationships can work for some couples who are both interested in non-monogamy. But in this situation, it's just not fair to you. He gets to keep you around while having the freedom to see other girls. That's not a healthy relationship dynamic. Don't let him manipulate you into thinking that this is the only way to revive your relationship and hold onto him. The jealousy and heartache that you'll experience every time he's out on a date will only make you feel worse.
He may claim to still love you, but if he's dead set on seeing other women, then I'm sorry, but he doesn't love you enough. Your friends and family were there for you after the breakup, but have you told them about this? If not, you should. I can guarantee that no one will agree with you getting back together on his terms. Listen to the advice of those who care about you.
This guy clearly doesn't believe in loyalty and commitment, so don't waste your time hoping he'll suddenly change his ways. Don't make yourself miserable in the process. There are other men out there who will want to be with you and only you. That sounds like the kind of relationship you truly want and deserve. Don't settle for anything less.
Oh, and by the way, if you have a story like this to share, send us an email. We'd love to hear from you. And don't forget to sign up for The Hook-Up, Metro's sex and dating newsletter. We'll send you all the juiciest stories and tips for spicing things up in the bedroom straight to your inbox every week. Trust us, you won't want to miss out. Can't wait for you to join us!"

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