My children no longer request screen time after I had them finish 4 tasks.

No more complaining of boredom in the past.

August 25th 2024.

My children no longer request screen time after I had them finish 4 tasks.
Kirsty made a decision to change things up last summer. As she sat in her garden, soaking up the warm sun with a book in hand, she couldn't help but beam with pride as her 11-year-old daughter Ella showed off her impressive handstand skills. It was a moment of pure joy for Kirsty, who had been intentionally taking a break from work to spend quality time with her family outdoors.

The summer holidays were in full swing, but unlike previous years, Kirsty was thoroughly enjoying every moment of it. Her two children, Ella and Leo, aged seven, hadn't once complained of boredom or begged for screen time. This was a welcome change for Kirsty, who had been struggling with finding a balance between allowing her kids some screen time and encouraging them to engage in more productive activities.

She had implemented four new rules before screen time, which seemed to be working wonders. In the past, when the family had no plans, the default for the kids was to ask for TV or tablet time. While Kirsty didn't mind them having some screen time, she was concerned that her bright and imaginative children were choosing to entertain themselves with screens instead of using their creativity.

Strict boundaries had been set in place for screen time, with a limit of one hour at a time. But there were times when the kids would push for more, and Kirsty realized that the lack of consistency was causing some issues. She didn't want her children's childhoods to be spent with their heads buried in screens, and she knew she wasn't alone in this struggle.

Research had shown that excessive screen time could have negative effects on children's mental health, sleep, and behavior, as well as expose them to cyberbullying and inappropriate content. In an effort to combat this problem, Kirsty had introduced a "boredom jar" during the 2020 lockdown, which contained activity prompts for the kids to choose from when they were feeling bored. This had worked for a while, but even the jar had lost its appeal over time.

Feeling frustrated, Kirsty decided to change tactics and came up with four questions for her kids to ask themselves before requesting screen time. These questions included spending a minimum of 60 minutes outside, reading, playing, and tidying up after themselves. The kids were initially skeptical but agreed to give it a try.

To Kirsty's surprise, the new rules worked even better than she had expected. The "boredom jar" was no longer boring, and the kids were happily engaging in various activities like writing stories, making potions, and rediscovering their love for old toys. They even spent more time on these activities than the minimum required, which was a pleasant surprise for Kirsty.

The days of hearing "I'm bored" were a thing of the past, and the kids were much happier and fulfilled. Kirsty and her husband had also noticed a positive change in their behavior, as they were no longer constantly asking for screen time. This success had led to the new rules becoming a permanent household rule, and the whole family was enjoying the benefits of a healthy balance between screen time and other activities.

Kirsty was proud of her children's progress, with Ella now able to hold a handstand for five seconds and Leo's cricket skills improving from spending more time outdoors. The summer of 2024 would always be remembered as the year they finally got it right. Kirsty encourages other parents to give her four rules a try, as it has greatly improved their family's overall well-being.

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