Muslim women in London have had their headscarves forcefully removed by an attacker.

Video captures women in headscarves being filmed by someone in Kensington.

July 1st 2024.

Muslim women in London have had their headscarves forcefully removed by an attacker.
The next event that unfolded in west London was truly shocking. A video surfaced showing a person, hidden behind a camera, attacking Muslim women by pulling off their headscarves as they walked through Kensington. The Instagram user who shared the video, Bahar Mahroo, wrote a caption expressing her anger towards the forced use of headscarves in Iran. She stated that since they have democracy in the UK, they have the right to remove the very headscarves that are forced upon them in their home country. However, she later clarified that she was not involved in the attacks and was only sharing the video.

The Metropolitan Police immediately condemned the behavior and stated that there is no room for such behavior in London. They also reached out to one of the victims and launched an investigation to identify the perpetrator and address the issue. This incident occurred amidst the ongoing Iranian presidential elections, which have been labeled as a "sham" by many. In fact, protests have erupted across Europe, demanding a change in the regime.

The video showed multiple women being targeted for their headscarves by an unknown person. This act of violence is a reminder of the struggles faced by women in Iran, where they are subjected to strict laws enforced by the "morality police". This issue gained international attention when Mahsa Amini tragically passed away in 2022 while in custody, after being accused of not wearing her headscarf properly. In a separate incident, Mahroo herself was attacked by supporters of the Iranian regime outside a community center in Wembley. She was there to attend a protest in memory of Ebrahim Raisi, the late Iranian president.

Londoners were also shocked and outraged by the video, with many taking to social media to express their disgust. In other news, the annual London Pride parade is set to take place today, as the heatwave that gripped the UK has finally come to an end. The city is expected to return to its typical June weather, with scattered showers and cooler temperatures. Meanwhile, the police are investigating a disturbing video that emerged, allegedly showing a female prison guard engaging in sexual activities with an inmate.

For more updates and news from the capital, be sure to visit The Agency's London news hub. In an interview with the Jewish Chronicle, Mahroo opened up about the traumatic incident, stating that she was crying out for help when she was attacked by the Iranian regime supporters. She also revealed that her companion, Navid Bavi, was beaten and left unconscious after being thrown to the ground. This incident serves as a reminder of the oppression faced by Iranian women, where wearing a headscarf has been compulsory since the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

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