33-year-old UK visitor dies while swimming at well-known Greek wreck site.

A popular spot for novice divers is the shipwreck near a beach in a nature reserve.

July 1st 2024.

33-year-old UK visitor dies while swimming at well-known Greek wreck site.
It was a beautiful day in Greece, perfect for a day at the beach. Among the many tourists enjoying the warm weather was a British man, excited to explore the nearby nature reserve in Epanomi. However, tragedy struck when he got into trouble while swimming near the shipwreck just off the coast.

According to local media, the 33-year-old tourist was seen struggling in the rough waters near the Epanomi Shipwreck. The once calm sea had suddenly turned treacherous, posing a danger to anyone in its path. The shipwreck, which was a popular snorkelling spot, had attracted many visitors due to its crystal clear waters and abundant sea life.

Thankfully, other beachgoers noticed the man's distress and quickly alerted the lifeguards. Two boats were immediately sent to the scene, but unfortunately, the man had already lost consciousness. One brave swimmer was able to pull him to shore, but despite the efforts of the paramedics on the beach, he could not be revived.

As a result, the victim's body will remain in Greece while post-mortem examinations are carried out. The shipwreck, which is believed to be the remains of a government transport vessel, has been lying abandoned on the sandbank since the 1970s. It is recommended that only strong swimmers attempt to visit the wreck, as it is located about 250 metres from the shore.

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