Mumbai: light rain in western suburbs; moderate rain expected today.

July 13th 2023.

Mumbai: light rain in western suburbs; moderate rain expected today.
Thursday morning brought some light rainfall to parts of the western suburbs of the city. Although northern parts of India are seeing heavy rain, Mumbai has been relatively quiet for the past few days. The Regional Weather Bureau of IMD forecasts light to moderate rain in the city and its suburbs.

A few passing showers are expected during the morning. The western line is more likely to receive the rain. Places such as Andheri, Bandra, Santacruz, and Jogeshwari have experienced rain in recent moments, and it is expected to move towards the east. #MumbaiRains
— Mumbai Rains July 13, 2023

It is always helpful to keep up with local weather forecasts so that you can plan accordingly. Therefore, if you live in or near Mumbai, make sure to keep an eye out on Thursday morning for any rain activity. Stay safe and dry!

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