Mum was worried that the black mould in her apartment caused her young son to be hospitalized three times.

The flat in north London is suffering from a severe infestation of black mould and has a high level of moisture.

February 27th 2023.

Mum was worried that the black mould in her apartment caused her young son to be hospitalized three times.
Nicola Lazarou, pictured with her son Theo, states that she is attempting to avoid being in the

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apartment because of her belief that her toddler's various health issues are a result of the flat being covered in black mould. The pregnant mother of three has been living in the Haringey residence for the past three years but has had continual problems with dampness and mould. As such, she is endeavouring to spend as little time at home as possible and is currently sleeping in the living room with her kids. She has brought Theo to hospital three times this year due to illnesses such as bronchitis, which she believes were caused by the black mould. She commented to MyLondon: ‘As a mum all you want to do is protect your kids, but I don’t feel I can in this house, they just keep getting sick.

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It's so bad in the kids' room I won’t allow them to sleep there, my [older] son has asthma and every time he is in there he’s coughing his lungs out.’ Recounting a previous hospital visit with her youngest, she added: ‘He was rushed from the GPs straight to the hospital with bronchitis.

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Nikki has experienced mould difficulties since moving into the flat in 2017.

Nicola Lazarou, pictured with her son Theo, states that she attempts to stay away from their London flat due to the presence of black mould. The expectant mum believes her toddler's health issues are due to the pervasive mould in the Haringey property. She has had to take her son to the hospital three times this year, and is now sleeping in the living room with her children to avoid the mould in their bedroom. She has expressed her deep concern, saying she wishes to protect her children but feels unable to do so in her current living conditions. Recalling a previous hospital visit, Nikki further said that her son was rushed from the doctor's office directly to the hospital with bronchitis.

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