Mum was running an illegal drug trafficking business from her house in an affluent UK village.

Mum dealt drugs with her two sons, selling cocaine and cannabis.

March 22nd 2023.

Mum was running an illegal drug trafficking business from her house in an affluent UK village.

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Julie Finney, 48, was sentenced to three years in prison for her involvement in a drug trafficking racket operated by her and her two sons, Marcus, 28, and Dylan, 19, in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. The family had been running the Class A and Class C drug ring for 16 months, with the trio disseminating 'flare' texts to customers to advertise their offers. Chester Crown Court heard that Julie had been smoking weed since she was 15 and had raised her sons in an environment of cocaine and cannabis abuse. Marcus had been using drugs since the age of 13, and was jailed for four years, while Dylan was given an 18-month sentence, suspended for 18 months. Police seized 88g of cannabis valued at between £419 and £460, along with £1,182 in cash, and even found an image on Marcus' phone of him snorting cocaine captioned 'Nice guy who sells drugs.'

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Julie Finney has been given a three-year prison sentence for running a drug trafficking racket with her two sons for 16 months. The mother of three operated the business from her three-bedroom home in Alderley Edge, Cheshire, which is worth £500,000. The trio sent out 'flare' texts to customers offering their drugs. At Chester Crown Court, Finney pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply cocaine and cannabis, while her sons Marcus and Dylan were sentenced to four years and 18 months respectively. Police found 88g of cannabis and £1,182 in cash, and an image of Marcus snorting cocaine with the caption 'Nice guy who sells drugs'.

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