Mum was attempting to track down the cause of an unexplained high water bill of £16,000 at her home.

Claire Fitzpatrick, 47, moved into a house in Bridgend, South Wales, last year only to find her water bill had dramatically increased since.

February 23rd 2023.

Mum was attempting to track down the cause of an unexplained high water bill of £16,000 at her home.

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Claire was left dumbfounded when she was informed of the exorbitant £16,000 water bill she had acquired in only six months.

The 47-year-old moved into her new home in Bridgend, South Wales, only to find her bank was alerting her to the significant payments due to Welsh Water that had 'abruptly and inexplicably' shot up into four figures.

Claire noticed the meter outside was 'revolving quickly', prompting her to receive the unbearable news that she owed a total of £15,833.11 on her twice yearly bill.

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Builders were enlisted to uncover the cause of the leak, but to no avail

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Claire was left shocked when she received the eye-watering bill

The cosmetic product developer was dumbfounded when she was informed that her monthly direct debit had risen, and an engineer concluded there was a leak somewhere.

Upon her return from holiday in August, she discovered a huge hole had been dug up around her house, and the builders were given directions to 'dig deeper' - yet the source of the leak could not be located.

Claire was left stumped after being presented with a huge £16,000 water bill in six months

Her bank had alerted her when monthly payments to Welsh Water started to climb into four figures

After having her outside meter inspected, Claire was shocked to discover she owed £15,833.11

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