Mother wants to prohibit slushies after son had seizure from consuming one.

No more slushies for me. Too unsure about their ingredients.

January 29th 2024.

Mother wants to prohibit slushies after son had seizure from consuming one.
After spending a short time in the hospital, Angus made a full recovery. However, his mother, Victoria, is now calling for a ban on selling slushies to children. This comes after her three-year-old son asked for a raspberry-flavored slushie while they were out shopping on January 4th. Only thirty minutes after drinking the slushie, Angus suddenly collapsed and began fitting.

Terrified, Victoria rushed her son to the nearest hospital where doctors discovered that the slushie had a harmful chemical that prevents it from freezing. This chemical, known as glycerol, had caused Angus to experience glycerol toxicity, which mimics the effects of being drunk. The toddler's body had gone limp and stone cold, leaving Victoria fearing for her son's life.

After his ordeal, Angus was able to take a photo with the paramedics who helped him. However, this incident has brought attention to the potential dangers of slushies, especially for children. In August 2023, the Food Standard Agency issued new guidance advising that slushies should not be sold to children four years of age and under due to the risk of glycerol toxicity.

According to the government body, high levels of glycerol exposure can cause shock, low blood sugar levels, and loss of consciousness. This was the case for little Angus, who was unconscious for two hours while doctors conducted tests to determine the cause of his episode. Thankfully, he has since recovered.

Victoria had never heard of glycerol toxicity before this incident and now believes there is a clear link between it and the slushie her son drank. She is now calling for a ban on slushies being served to children or at least a warning sign for children under four years old. She wants to raise awareness among other parents about the potential dangers of these drinks.

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