Most shoppers criticize Tesco's change to trolleys, with 90% expressing disappointment online.

It's making me go crazy.

October 7th 2024.

Most shoppers criticize Tesco's change to trolleys, with 90% expressing disappointment online.
It seems that Tesco shoppers are not too pleased with the latest changes to the supermarket's trolleys. Many have taken to social media to express their frustration and disappointment with the new design. If you've been using the self-scanner machines at your local store, you may have noticed something different in the past few months. And your reaction to this change likely depends on whether you're left-handed or right-handed.

To be more specific, the barcode scanner slot on Tesco trolleys has been moved from the right side to the left side of the cart. This may seem like a small and insignificant change, but it has caused quite a stir among customers. One customer, Bobby, even took to Twitter to express his displeasure, saying, "Tesco, please put the handheld thing back on the right. Or at least make a mixture of trolleys available. Years of it being on the right and 90% of people being right-handed, this change is just awfully impractical."

Bobby is not alone in his frustration. Another customer, Liam, also took to social media to voice his annoyance, saying, "Tesco, can you tell me why all your shopping trolleys have the self-scanning holder now on the left-hand side? It drives me nuts, surely most people are right-handed." Even @George50P joined in, saying, "I'm mad at Tesco because in our local supermarket they have changed the trolleys so that the self-scan gun is on the left, and it's so awkward when you are right-handed."

However, not everyone is upset about the change. Some left-handed customers have actually found it to be helpful. Tom Bradey, a leftie, said, "As a leftie, it helps! If only more supermarkets would do it." And Sarah G, a right-handed customer, also didn't mind the change, saying, "I'm right-handed but don't mind the change. Hold the zapper in your left hand while picking the item to be zapped with your right. Job done."

But of course, there are always those who see things differently. @suecresswell01 urged right-handed customers to stop "making a song and dance out of everything" and simply "stand to the left of the trolley when filling it." In response to the backlash, a spokesperson for Tesco told Metro, "Our new trolleys are designed to be practical for all customers. We value feedback and will pass this on to the relevant teams." The spokesperson also clarified that this type of trolley is used by other retailers as well, so they are not the only supermarket making this change.

The debate over the trolley design comes on the heels of another controversial change at Tesco. Some customers have taken issue with the new parking rules that have been implemented at certain locations. These rules state that customers can only park for a certain amount of time, and if they overstay, they could face a hefty fine. This sparked outrage among some customers, with one post about the rules going viral and garnering over a million views.

In response to this, Tesco stated that they want all customers to have a parking space when visiting their stores, and these time limits help with managing the parking spaces. So, it seems that Tesco is open to feedback and is constantly trying to improve the shopping experience for its customers. Have you had any issues with Tesco's trolley design or parking rules? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section. And if you have a story to share, feel free to get in touch with us by emailing us. Don't forget to sign up for our Shopping newsletter to stay updated on the latest trends, offers, and reviews. Your privacy is important to us, and we are protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

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