Mom won't let her daughter's suicide stop them from living life.

I was devastated, but the charity supported me and kept me going.

December 4th 2023.

Mom won't let her daughter's suicide stop them from living life.
Wyn Barber and her daughter Shirley Jensen were always a laugh. Shirley had a bubbly personality and an infectious laugh that spread joy to everyone around her. She was an avid traveller, she'd been to Thailand and South Africa, and was an avid fan of Manchester’s annual Zombie Run.

In the days before she died, Shirley had visited her mother Wyn, sister Becke and her two nieces, who were six and eight at the time, in High Peak, Derbyshire. The two had gone to a lantern parade in New Mills, near to where they lived.

Wyn recalls that Shirley had seemed slightly 'down', though she wouldn't have known it then. Shirley had been to a wedding that morning and had come to Wyn's for tea, but initially was wearing her coat as if it were a comfort blanket.

Shirley had a new job she seemed to love and had also found a flat after a broken relationship. But she was struggling more than she let on.

On the Monday, when Shirley didn't show up for work, her boss sent colleagues to her home to check if she was okay. It was then that it became clear something had happened.

Wyn's friend Tammy, who had heard Shirley hadn't turned up for work, had driven to Stockport to check on her. She arrived to see flashing blue lights and a crumpled front door.

When Wyn arrived, a paramedic told her that her daughter had died. Her heart broke into a million pieces and she went into coping mode. After breaking the news to friends and family, Wyn spent days sorting through paperwork and coroners reports, realising the sadness Shirley had kept hidden.

Shirley Jensen will always be remembered for her bubbly personality and her huge belly laugh. If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, Samaritans can provide a listening ear 24/7 on 116 123. If you've lost a loved one to suicide, you can find support through Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide here.
Wyn Barber and her daughter Shirley Jensen were close. Wherever Shirley went, she was sure to bring laughter and joy with her. She loved to travel, explore books, and learn from others. Shirley even ran in a half marathon in Morocco and was a fan of Manchester’s annual Zombie Run.

However, in 2014, at the age of 40, Shirley took her own life in Stockport, Greater Manchester. She had visited her mother Wyn, sister Becke and her two nieces - who were six and eight at the time - in High Peak, Derbyshire just days before.

Wyn remembers the last time she saw Shirley, at a lantern parade in New Mills near where they lived. When Wyn suggested Shirley had a ‘comfort blanket’, she had smiled softly and taken off her jacket. Looking back, Wyn could tell Shirley was struggling, but her bubbly personality and huge belly laugh had hidden it.

Shirley had found herself with a broken relationship and had planned to move to a flat. She had also just started a new job at a housing company which she seemed to love. Before then, she had worked for Wyn, who ran a small auctioneering company. Her desk was diagonally across from Wyn’s, so she could easily read Shirley’s mood.

The pair had gone to the lantern parade before Wyn went home early due to a head cold. She sent Shirley and Becke a text, to which Shirley had replied ‘We had a good time but finished early as well. The kids were getting tired. Love you’.

That was the last message Wyn ever received from her daughter. On Monday, when Shirley didn’t turn up for work, her boss sent two colleagues to her house. They called the police when they received no answer.

Tammy, a friend of Shirley, had heard that she hadn’t turned up for work and drove to Stockport. When she arrived, she saw flashing blue lights, a line of police cars and a crumpled front door. Wyn dashed over to her daughter’s home and was told that Shirley had died.

Wyn went into ‘coping mode’, having no other choice. She broke the news to friends and family, and slowly began to realise the sadness Shirley had kept hidden. It was a heartbreaking moment, and one Wyn will never forget.

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