Mohan Majhi's wife is surprised that her husband has become CM.

Family in Bhubaneswar shocked as Mohan Charan Majhi, who lives in government quarters, becomes Odisha's new CM.

June 12th 2024.

Mohan Majhi's wife is surprised that her husband has become CM.
Bhubaneswar: The news of Mohan Charan Majhi being declared as the new Chief Minister of Odisha was nothing short of a miracle for his family. They never could have imagined that he would reach such a high position in the government.

Mohan's mother, wife, and two sons were living in government quarters in Bhubaneswar when they first heard about his elevation to the top post through local news channels on Tuesday. Up until that moment, they had no idea that this was even a possibility.

"I never even dreamt that he would become the CM. I was hoping for a ministerial position in the new BJP cabinet. This news was both shocking and exhilarating for me and my family," Mohan's wife Priyanka expressed, her voice filled with disbelief and pride.

Priyanka shared that they were all watching the news when they heard about Mohan's new role. She had full faith in her husband's abilities and believed that he would work tirelessly for the betterment of the people of Odisha and his own constituency, Keonjhar.

Mohan's mother, Bale Majhi, was overjoyed with her son's accomplishment. She recalled how he had always been passionate about serving the people, starting from a young age when he became a sarpanch, then an MLA, and now the Chief Minister.

"I am incredibly proud of my son. He has come a long way and has always been dedicated to serving the people. This is an amazing achievement," she said with a smile.

Majhi's son Krishna, who is a student in the 8th grade, was also thrilled with the news. He shared that his friends were already asking for treats from him to celebrate his father's new role.

In Majhi's hometown, Raikala in Keonjhar district, people were filled with joy upon hearing the news. Majhi's modest asbestos house, where he also runs his office, was filled with celebrations and well-wishers.

"We are all extremely happy that our Majhi has become the CM. He is a kind and humble person, and we have no doubt that he will work tirelessly for the state and fulfill the hopes and dreams of the people," shared a neighbor of the CM-designate.

Meanwhile, supporters and well-wishers of Majhi have been pouring into his residence in Bhubaneswar to congratulate him on his new role. It is a moment of great pride and joy for his family and loved ones, who have always believed in his potential to make a difference in people's lives.

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