Michigan school district accused of racial profiling, using derogatory language towards Black students.

The district has 2,332 students, most of whom (92.3%) are white.

July 11th 2024.

Michigan school district accused of racial profiling, using derogatory language towards Black students.
A group of concerned parents have taken legal action against the Livingston County school district in Michigan, claiming that their five Black children have been subjected to ongoing and severe racism. According to the lawsuit, the students, who attend Pathfinder Middle School and Navigator Upper Elementary School in a rural area of Michigan, have been called derogatory names such as the n-word, "monkeys," and "cotton pickers" by their white classmates. The parents are holding district Superintendent Rick Todd and principals Janet McDole and Lori Sandula responsible for not addressing the issue despite being aware of it.

The lawsuit highlights a specific incident where the district failed to take action against the students who were harassing the Black children, out of fear of being labeled as "racist." In a disturbing turn of events, it was actually one of the Black students who received a suspension for two days due to the harassment they faced. Attorney Jon Marko, who is representing the parents, stated that the district's neglectful behavior has allowed racism to thrive within the school community, causing immense distress to the students and their families. He added that it is the school's duty to ensure the safety and well-being of its students and no parent should have to worry about their child being subjected to racial harassment.

The lawsuit also details several other incidents of racism that took place at the school. One student, identified as S.C., was physically assaulted, called racial slurs, and made to feel like they did not belong at the school. This led to the student hiding in the hallways to avoid their tormentors, resulting in repeated tardiness and disciplinary action. Another incident involved a group of white students asking an Indian student if they could "put a red dot on their forehead," referring to a Hindu tradition. The parents of the student reported the incident to the school administrators, but no action was taken, and the same student was later involved in a physical altercation over racial harassment and suspended. Despite the parents' attempts to schedule a meeting with the administrators, it never happened, and the racist comments continued throughout the school year.

At Navigator Upper Elementary, another student's parents reported that a "N-word pass" was being circulated among the students, giving permission to use the racial slur. Although a teacher intervened and brought the note to the principal's attention, the parents were not informed of any investigation, leading to the continued use of racial slurs against their child. The student's father was told by Principal McDole that she did not want the situation to receive negative attention or for the students to be labeled as racists.

The school district in question has a predominantly white student population, with only 7.7% of its students identifying as non-white. The lawsuit accuses the school of violating Title VI, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in federally funded programs. The parents claim that the district failed to address the issue despite having knowledge of the hostile environment their children were facing.

This case has garnered attention from renowned anti-racism activist Jane Elliott, who has criticized the Republican Party's efforts to restrict discussions on race in classrooms. As the lawsuit moves forward, the parents hope for justice and accountability for the school district's failure to protect their children from racial harassment. No child should have to endure such treatment at school, and it is essential for schools to promote a safe and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

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