Me and my cat are both psychic, he assists me with tarot readings and mind reading.

Introducing a psychic feline...

August 12th 2024.

Me and my cat are both psychic, he assists me with tarot readings and mind reading.
Sinem Salman has a special companion who joins her in her tarot readings - her beloved cat. This unique fortune teller and psychic, who has been practicing her craft since her teenage years, found her career taking an unexpected turn when she introduced her fluffy colleague to her readings a few years ago.

At the young age of two, Sinem's ragdoll cat, Bonjuk, has proven to be quite the psychic himself. He loves to assist her while she works, and is always by her side when she opens her tarot cards and prepares for a reading. According to Sinem, Bonjuk is able to sense the emotions and thoughts of her clients, providing her with valuable insights and clarity into their situations.

But Bonjuk's abilities don't stop there. He is also able to physically interact with the cards, often pointing or laying on them, and even selecting cards with his paw. Sinem has never had a pet quite like Bonjuk, who brings so much peace and joy into her life. He is not only a furry companion, but also a spiritual one, often communicating with her in ways that are almost human-like.

Sinem's journey with Bonjuk began about a year ago when she first noticed his talents while performing readings. Since then, he has become an integral part of her readings, always materializing when she starts to prepare her cards. He is unlike any other pet she has had before, and his presence is felt by the entire family. He even waits at the door for them to return home, always eager to be by their side.

As a self-proclaimed "psychic-clairvoyant," Sinem has always known that she was different and had a strong connection to her spiritual abilities since childhood. She recalls predicting things like delayed flights and having "gut feelings" about impending events, which often came true. At the young age of 18, she began reading coffee cups for friends and family, a practice that she has carried with her into adulthood.

Now, with a social media following of over 30,000, Sinem advertises her services as a psychic, fortune teller, and tarot card reader. She is able to provide readings for people all over the world, and her abilities are not limited by physical presence. She even offers daily horoscopes sent straight to people's inboxes based on their birthdays.

For Sinem, being able to help others and bring clarity through her readings is the most beautiful thing. She is grateful for the joy and peace that Bonjuk has brought into her life, and she is proud to share her unique abilities with the world.

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