Marsha Thomason was hoping to be the target of a prank to bring some humour to the ITV drama The Bay.

It's important to find humor in the situation, even though it's a serious matter.

March 6th 2023.

Marsha Thomason was hoping to be the target of a prank to bring some humour to the ITV drama The Bay.
Well, the weather is very different. It’s true what they say: the sun always shines in LA. The practical jokes melted away during a heatwave. I also think the pace of life and the attitude towards work is different. In the UK, you’ll stop for a cup of tea, whereas in LA it’s ‘go, go, go!’

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Marsha Thomason commented that the practical jokes ceased to exist during a heatwave, adding that in comparison to the UK, the pace of life and attitude towards work is different in Los Angeles. The sun is almost always shining in LA, which she says contributed to the jokes stopping. When asked what she would have done if not an actor, she admitted being uncertain, as her identity is so wrapped up with the profession as she has been an actor since the age of 14.

The biggest difference I'd say is the heat. In LA it's a lot hotter. We were filming The Bay season four in Morecambe Bay and it was such a heatwave. It was so hot and all the practical jokes melted away.

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