Married to appease religious parents, couple now explores open relationship.

He joined dating apps but didn't put any effort into it or talk to anyone.

September 15th 2023.

Married to appease religious parents, couple now explores open relationship.
This week, we’re hearing from Aisha, a 24-year-old bisexual woman. Aisha and her partner recently got married in a religious ceremony to appease her Muslim parents, but haven’t made it official for themselves yet.

Aisha and her partner’s relationship hasn’t changed since getting married, but they’ve had to overcome the situation with her parents.

Aisha came home from work to find her partner playing video games and watching football commentary on YouTube. After making dinner and reading some heartbreaking Harry Potter fanfic online, the two got into bed and just had a general chat about their day before going to sleep.

Aisha and her partner watched TV and discussed how to decorate their place. The conversation then turned to massage, which led to sex – twice. Even though it was familiar, the eye contact made it more intimate.

Aisha had a long day at work followed by quick sex and a shower before hitting the gym. When she got back, the two ordered stuff for the house and reminisced about the last few years and how things had changed.

Aisha struggles with depression and anxiety, which affects her sex drive. This led to a discussion about whether to open up the relationship and sleep with other people. In the end, her partner only stayed on dating apps for a week, and they decided to remain monogamous.

After quick sex and a shower, Aisha went to the gym. When they were back at home, they discussed how important it is to give each other space and respect each other’s boundaries.

The couple went out for birthday drinks, had some cocktails and played some games. They danced close together and kissed, but Aisha started to feel self-conscious. After they left around midnight, they grabbed McDonald’s and had sex a couple of times before Aisha had to take her makeup off.

The couple had a chill day getting groceries and watching TV before spending some time with her partner’s family later in the evening.

The couple had a lie-in before Aisha went down on her partner. They watched Harry Potter and Aisha told her partner about the fanfic she had been reading. After Aisha finished the fanfic, she cried for a while before her partner comforted her. They spent the evening playing video games with friends and watching TV.

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