Marques Houston faces criticism after claiming his wife "keeps him young and fresh."

Marques Houston credits his wife for keeping him young and vibrant, despite debate on their marriage from social media.

April 13th 2023.

Marques Houston faces criticism after claiming his wife
Marques Houston is proud of the unique love he shares with his wife, Miya Dickey, despite the 19-year age gap. The “Naked” singer, 41, recently stepped out on the red carpet with his 22-year-old wife and was asked to “set the record straight” on their relationship. “She was 19 when we got married,” Houston said. “She was 18 when we started dating.” He went on to say that “she keeps me young and fresh” and that “we have a love that people don’t really understand.” Despite his positive outlook on their relationship, people have continued to criticize him for “grooming” his much younger wife. However, Houston stands by their love and is unbothered by the backlash.

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