Man pretending to be kids' life coach gets prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old in Colorado.

The boy referred to Raymond as his mentor and shared that they first met at a park a year ago.

August 31st 2024.

Man pretending to be kids' life coach gets prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old in Colorado.
A man in his thirties, known as Frank Raymond, has received a lengthy prison sentence for committing a heinous crime. He had portrayed himself as a mentor, play therapist, and life coach for children, but in reality, he was a predator who sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy. His actions have caused immense harm to the young victim and have been condemned by 17th District Attorney Brian Mason, who described the crime as "outrageous and horrific."

According to a news release, Thornton police arrested Raymond, who also used the online alias "Arya Magi," in June 2022. They found him sleeping with a naked 12-year-old boy in a car parked outside a restaurant. The boy revealed that Raymond had presented himself as his "life coach" and that they had met at a park a year earlier. Further investigation uncovered videos on Raymond's phone that showed him sexually abusing the boy.

Following his arrest, police searched Raymond's cloud storage account and discovered thousands of files depicting sexual abuse of children. The sheer number and disturbing nature of these images shocked even a seasoned Thornton police detective, who stated that they were the worst she had seen in her 30 years of working in law enforcement.

It should be noted that Raymond faced another criminal case in Adams County District Court for his possession of these videos. Court records indicate that he pleaded guilty to the charges and received a five-year prison sentence.

In conclusion, Frank Raymond's despicable actions have resulted in a lengthy prison sentence. He had taken advantage of a young boy's trust and used his position as a mentor and life coach to exploit and harm him. This crime serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and protect our children from potential predators.

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