Make your own ricotta ravioli with this recipe from Luci's Italian Restaurant. Delicious and easy to make at home!

Learn how to make homemade ricotta ravioli from Luci's Italian Restaurant in Lasswade with their easy-to-follow recipe using a pasta machine.

July 12th 2024.

Make your own ricotta ravioli with this recipe from Luci's Italian Restaurant. Delicious and easy to make at home!
Luci's Italian Restaurant in Lasswade is known for their mouth-watering fresh pasta, made from scratch every day. But did you know that you can recreate their delicious ricotta ravioli at home? Yes, you heard that right! With just a few simple ingredients and a pasta machine, you can whip up a plate of these delectable ravioli in no time.

To begin with, you will need a pasta machine for this recipe. In terms of ingredients, you will need 300g of '00' pasta flour, plus a little extra for dusting. You will also need 4 eggs, with 3 of them lightly beaten and 1 kept whole. For the filling, you will need half a bunch of flat-leaf parsley, with the small leaves picked and flattened. Along with that, you will need 200g of ricotta cheese, 75g of finely grated parmesan, 50g of grated mozzarella, and 75g of mature cheddar. And don't forget to keep some extra-virgin olive oil handy for drizzling.

Let's get started with the method. Begin by tipping the flour onto your work surface and making a well in the centre. Add the beaten eggs and use a fork to gradually bring in the flour to form a stiff dough. Once most of the flour is mixed, use your hands to knead the dough for about 5-10 minutes, until it becomes smooth. Then, cut the dough into six pieces and wrap each one in clingfilm. Let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, pick out the small to medium-sized leaves from the parsley, removing the stalks as they tend to stretch when rolled in the pasta. In a separate bowl, mix together the ricotta cheese, remaining beaten egg, parmesan, mozzarella, and cheddar. Season the mixture and spoon it into a piping bag. Now it's time to bring out the pasta machine!

Take one piece of dough and lightly dust it with flour. Use a rolling pin to gently roll it out to the thickness of the widest setting on your pasta machine. Pass the dough through the machine a few times, dusting it with flour each time, to make it smooth and stretchy. Then, move on to the next thinnest setting and repeat the process. Dust your work surface and lay the dough in front of you lengthwise. Fold the top and bottom edge of the dough towards the middle and pass it through the machine on the non-folded side. Keep repeating this step until you have a smooth rectangular dough.

Now, it's time to roll the dough to the thinnest setting. Pass it through each setting of the machine once or twice, making sure to dust it with flour often. At this point, your dough will be quite long, so make sure you have enough space on your work surface to lay it down. Lay the parsley leaves over half of the rolled-out pasta sheet and fold the other half over the leaves. Use a rolling pin to gently secure the leaves in place. Then, pass the pasta through the machine again on the thinnest setting, being careful not to do it more than twice as the leaves may break the pasta.

Next, lay out the pasta on a floured work surface. On one half of the sheet, pipe small mounds of the cheese filling, leaving about 5-6cm of space between each one. This should make roughly six ravioli. Once you reach the halfway mark, brush a little water around each mound and fold the remaining half of the pasta over the top, gently resting it on the fillings. Starting from one end, gently enclose the fillings, making sure not to trap any air inside. Press down around each filling to seal it completely, and then repeat the process. You can use a 6cm round cutter to cut out the ravioli or simply trim and cut them into squares. Transfer the ravioli onto a lined baking tray dusted with flour. Gently press around the edges once again to ensure they are fully sealed. Let the ravioli dry for about 30 minutes, and repeat the process with the remaining dough.

When you're ready to cook the ravioli, bring a large pan of salted water to a boil and then turn down the heat to a simmer. Cook the ravioli in batches for about 5-6 minutes, and then drain them. Serve the ravioli on a plate, drizzled with some olive oil and extra parmesan for garnish. And don't forget to check out more reviews on Luci's Italian Restaurant and subscribe to the latest issue of Scottish Field for more delicious recipes. Give this ricotta ravioli recipe a try and impress your friends and family with your homemade pasta skills!

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