Louis Tomlinson is fed up with dismissing rumors of a secret relationship with Harry Styles.

I've come to understand that no matter what I say or do, I can't stop the rumors.

June 28th 2024.

Louis Tomlinson is fed up with dismissing rumors of a secret relationship with Harry Styles.
Louis Tomlinson has finally opened up about the persistent conspiracy theories surrounding his relationship with former One Direction bandmate, Harry Styles. Since the early days of the band, some fans have been convinced that the two were secretly in love, despite any evidence or confirmation from the pair themselves. Now, 14 years later and eight years after the band went on hiatus, these theories are still going strong.

Fans have pointed to old videos and pictures of Louis and Harry together as proof of their supposed romance. Some even believe that the band's management prevented them from going public, while their other bandmates, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Niall Horan, secretly supported them. Louis has previously spoken out against these baseless claims, even calling them a "childish conspiracy theory." However, he has since given up trying to deny them, realizing that nothing he says or does will change people's minds.

In a recent interview with Brazillian outlet G1, Louis was asked why these theories have persisted for so long. He admitted that it is a tough situation, as the fans who believe in them are so convinced that they refuse to see the truth. While it does sometimes bother him, he has come to accept that it is just part of the job. However, he did mention that it can get too personal at times, especially when it involves his eight-year-old son, Freddie.

Louis shared that these theories can "broach some stuff that is really unfair," and it's something that he cannot control. He also mentioned how some fans even claimed that a photo of him with Freddie was doctored, which he finds ridiculous. Despite this, he has learned to let it go and not let it affect him too much. His son, after all, is the most important person in his life.

This is a far cry from Louis' sarcastic response to a fan last year who made a reference to the "Larry Stylinson" theories, asking him how to make chicken parmesan. Louis replied, "You start by realizing all these ridiculous childish theories and conspiracies are wasted time and energy and then just throw the chicken in the oven to be fair." He added, "Simple stuff."

Louis has previously spoken out about how these theories can be disrespectful to his then-girlfriend, Eleanor Calder, and even put a strain on his friendship with Harry. He shared that it created a tense atmosphere between the two of them, with everyone analyzing their every move. Despite this, Louis has learned to rise above it and not let it affect his relationships.

In the end, Louis acknowledges that these theories will always exist, and there is nothing he can do about it. He has learned to accept it and focus on what truly matters to him, like his music career and his family. He also encourages others to do the same and not waste their time on these baseless claims.

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