A boy took his own life after mistakenly shooting his closest friend, according to inquest findings.

His aunt stated that everyone died on that day during her testimony.

June 28th 2024.

A boy took his own life after mistakenly shooting his closest friend, according to inquest findings.
It was a tragic and heart-wrenching discovery when 17-year-old Jaydon Beckford's lifeless body was found by the side of a canal in Birmingham. The circumstances surrounding his death were revealed in an inquest, where it was heard that Jaydon had taken his own life after accidentally shooting and killing his friend, 16-year-old Diego Henry, in their shared flat. The incident had occurred five days prior, and Jaydon's body was found on a patch of wasteland by the canal.

According to the coroner, it was most likely an accidental discharge of a gun that resulted in Diego's death. The bullet had struck him in the head, and he passed away in the hospital. Jaydon, who had been living with the guilt and grief of his friend's death, went missing after the incident. His body was discovered with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, somewhere between November 5th and 10th of last year.

During the inquest, Jaydon's aunt, Nadine Beckford, described him as an amazing person, and expressed the profound loss that their family felt. She also criticized the police for their handling of the situation, stating that they were more focused on finding the weapon than finding Jaydon himself. The pain of losing her nephew was only worsened by the lack of empathy and understanding from the authorities.

Diego and Jaydon were known to be good friends, and there was no animosity between them. On the night of the incident, they had been hanging out at Jaydon's home with another friend. Jaydon's mother, Leah Hussain, recalled hearing laughter and chatting before falling asleep, only to be woken up later by a loud bang. She initially thought it was a firework, but soon realized it was something much more tragic when she heard the other friend shouting for an ambulance.

The inquest revealed that Jaydon was seen on CCTV running down the street with his hand in his pocket. It is believed that he may have been carrying the same gun that was used in Diego's death. The third friend, who remained unnamed, told police that the shooting was an accident and that he was not in possession of the firearm. He has not been charged in connection with either boy's death.

It was also revealed that the gun may have been given to Jaydon by someone older for protection. The coroner, Mr. Bennett, concluded that Diego's death was the result of a single gunshot wound to the head. He acknowledged that there were uncertainties about the exact events that took place, but it was clear that the gun had gone off unintentionally.

After the inquest, a spokesperson from the West Midlands Police expressed their condolences to the families and friends of the two boys. They also shared their efforts in trying to locate Jaydon and ensure his well-being after the tragic incident. This was a heartbreaking and tragic loss of two young lives, and the community continues to mourn their passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this devastating event.

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