Lottery millionaire continues to work as a midwife a decade later.

The house she owned before is still her current residence.

July 7th 2024.

Lottery millionaire continues to work as a midwife a decade later.
Ruth Breen, a dedicated midwife, was just like any other day at work in 2014 when her life changed forever. During her lunch break at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan, she discovered that she had won an astonishing £1 million in the EuroMillions lottery. It was a surreal moment for Ruth, who had been casually checking her emails when she saw the life-changing news. Despite the sudden influx of wealth, Ruth continued to work as a midwife, a job that she was truly passionate about.

Reflecting on the past 10 years, Ruth admits that a lot has changed since her big win, but at the same time, not much has changed at all. Winning the lottery allowed her to reduce her working hours and achieve a better work-life balance. As a mother, this was especially important to her, as it meant she could spend more quality time with her daughter, rather than being consumed by her demanding job. Ruth feels incredibly lucky to only work part-time, as it has allowed her to focus on being a fun and present mother.

Despite her newfound wealth, Ruth didn't walk away from her job as a midwife. In fact, she saw it as an opportunity to set a good example for her daughter. She wanted to show her that no matter how much money you have, it's important to stay grounded and continue working hard. Ruth and her family have been able to enjoy luxurious holidays to places like Dubai, St Lucia, and Mauritius, but they have also made sure to keep their feet on the ground.

One of Ruth's first purchases after winning the lottery was a pair of Jimmy Choos. She recalls feeling overwhelmed and even shedding a tear as she paid for them in Selfridges. It was a surreal moment for her, as she never thought she would have the means to buy such luxury items. Her collection has grown since then, and she no longer cries when making purchases, but she is grateful for the opportunities that her winnings have given her.

Despite her wealth, Ruth still lives in the same house she owned before winning the lottery. She also continues to work part-time as a midwife, and most of the new mothers she works with have no idea that they are being looked after by a millionaire. Ruth prefers to keep her financial success private and is happy to be treated just like any other midwife by her patients and colleagues.

To mark the 10-year anniversary of her win, Ruth has been supporting a charity called The Baby Room, which provides essential items for new families in Wigan. She understands the financial struggles that come with having a baby and believes that every child deserves a safe and comfortable start in life. The charity was founded by her colleagues Emma Cartwright, Alison Wakefield, and Annette Dawson, who are all passionate about helping new parents in need. Ruth is proud to be a part of such a wonderful cause and is grateful for the opportunity to give back to her community.

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